Free fall

In the end, Vanessa could only assume that Terry's trait did something about that… she didn't know the details, though, since her own trait was very different from it.

Vanessa possessed a remarkable trait that set her apart from others: the ability to manipulate the air itself with very little mana. She could command the very elements with a mere thought, bending the air to her will. But her power didn't stop there—she had honed her control to an extraordinary degree, transforming the atmosphere into crackling bolts of lightning.

As Vanessa focused her thoughts, a surge of energy could course through her body. By reaching out with her mind, connecting with the air molecules surrounding her. With a swift motion of her thoughts, she directed the airflow, guiding it through a series of intricate movements. As the air swirled and condensed, a charge built up, giving birth to electrical energy.