
Icicle Longbow - Lv 28(188/280) (Uncommon)

Attack Power: 145

Movement Speed Debuff: 28%

Charges: 40/40

Durability: 56/56

(Critical Charge: when dealing critical damage on the target, you recover one charge automatically.)

(Cold of War: When hitting the same opponent twice with the arrows of this bow, you put them under the 'frostbite' status effect and make them lose five points of health per second for ten seconds.)

(Sniper: doubles the range of the arrows fired by this bow.)

(Triple Shot: consumes three charges to fire three arrows at the same time at the target, causing the usual damage plus twenty percent per arrow.)

(Frost Charge: you can fire an arrow that will have to double the power, and it will freeze the target for a second. Cooldown: 10 seconds.)