"Hey, we should bring them already; a lot of time has already passed. No one else will come."
"It is too soon; we can't show only this many results. The airplane that turned around will make them feel more urgency about the situation, and more people will come."
Terry and Vanessa looked at each other. While they were close to the border, the accent of those people wasn't from outside… and their tone was suspicious. They already knew that those guys were up to no good, but those words only picked their interest more.
Eventually, Terry and Vanessa got close enough to see the camp fully.
Terry and Vanessa cautiously approached the clearing, their eyes widening as they took in the scene before them. In the dim light, they could make out a group of individuals who appeared to be hunters, their rugged appearance indicating a life spent in the wilderness. They were gathered around a campsite, their tents pitched haphazardly nearby.