
"I am the overlord of this land; these weaklings are my children that are born when I have too much energy inside me," The fire dragon said while looking at the fire dragons. "I have been living for over five hundred years. Do you think that you can defeat me knowing all that?"

"You can stop flexing now. I am waiting for the real information, nothing that you said managed to sway me even in the slightest," Terry shrugged.

"You saw those other humans. You saw the power that I can offer, the power to defy death," The fire dragon said. "Bend your knee and then drink my blood to become immortal; then I will make you the overlord of Earth."

"No thanks, bro," Terry said. "Becoming the king of the world is too much of a hassle. I don't want to have such a pain in the ass job. Between listening to everyone's problems and becoming a tyrannical ruler, I would rather choose waste away my ears lazing around away from civilization."