
Everyone worked faster to create their hideout while Terry kept an eye on the surroundings. Fortunately, they finished before any of the enemies could show up.

When the first group of trolls showed up, Terry made quick work of them, and he didn't need help. Still, the others frowned when they saw Terry ripping apart of the limbs of the monsters and throwing them around. He wasn't joking when he said that he wanted to create a scene of bloodshed.

The guild masters turned to Vanessa, awaiting her explanation. They wanted to hear her thoughts on Terry's seemingly aggressive plan after witnessing the ferocity with which he dispatched the trolls.

Vanessa just shrugged. The results would speak for themselves, after all. Agreeing nods rippled through the guild masters, indicating their growing confidence in Terry's approach after a few more fights. While still harboring reservations, they recognized the need to adapt and embrace innovative strategies to overcome the troll menace.