Last chance

The searing projectile struck true, engulfing the Overlord's vision in a burst of flames. Momentarily disoriented, the beast roared in pain and fury, its movements faltering.

Seizing this momentary advantage, Terry leaped into action, using the confusion to close the distance between them. He aimed a powerful swing at the Overlord's head, intending to deliver a crushing blow that would incapacitate the formidable foe. Yet, to his surprise, the Overlord reacted with astonishing speed and strength.

With its enormous elbow, the overlord troll deflected Terry's attack, the sheer force of the block sending tremors through the ground. Terry's eyes widened in awe and trepidation. The Overlord's reflexes were beyond extraordinary, proving that this enemy was no mere brute relying on size and power alone.

"Is that the best you can do?" The troll overlord asked and then pushed Terry away.