
The group moved to the walls on the Eastern side of the city and then jumped over it. The guards around had been informed of that, but they still looked a bit skeptical of them. Everything around and outside the city was in ruins or destroyed. It looked like the city had suffered a lot of damage recently and that was weird given that a new army of monsters just appeared.

"Let's get going," Terry declared.

The group moved toward their destination while moving in a wide arc to avoid being spotted by the enemies. At the same time, they avoided using the dark pegasus boots for now since they didn't have as much faith in the guild members as their guild master had. Still, it didn't seem like that would be enough.

"I can sense some weird mana in the air," Rebecca said while looking around.

"I can feel it too, I suppose we are being watched," Vanessa added. "I can't say if someone from Francis guild is doing that, though."