
"This will be a bit hard to use, guild master," Clark said when he was presented the griffons feathers. "We are blacksmiths, we work with metal… I am not sure how we can add this to the armor."

"Just see what you can do, you can experiment a lot since we have a large supply and we aren't in a hurry," Terry said. "We are going to stay here for a while closing the portals."

"I am worried because of that, how can you say that you don't need the armor when facing those crazy powerful creatures?" Clark asked. "In any case, we will brainstorm and see what we can do about this."

"That is fine by me," Terry said. "I will take the new samples and test them."

In the last week, Clark and the other blacksmiths managed to make twenty copies of the armor, so Terry was determined to make all of them reach level ten. He had some time to do that since Rebecca and Vanessa also deserve a break before they started working on the next missions.