Weird hobby

Terry wondered what was wrong with him… they just got a powerful relic and now he was using it to dig holes. It couldn't be helped since Rebecca was the one who got the relic and she was the vice guild master, so he more or less had to pay attention to her opinions.

In any case, the skeletons worked fast since Terry created them when his magic power was at the highest. At the same time, the shovels that he created were as hard as they could be, so the skeletons were digging like the dirt in front of them was as sturdy as cheese.

"Now I won't have to be here all the time," Rebecca said with a large smile on her face. 

Terry looked at Vanessa and she just shrugged. The tunnels could be useful for them for movements, besides, every time Terry summoned a skeleton, the staff would get one point of experience, so it wasn't a half bad way to make it level up. Aside from that, the only way to make the weapon level up was by smashing the heads of the monsters with it.