Don't hesitate

  Their imaginations ran wild with ominous scenarios, envisioning some dark ritual or process that required the lives or energies of those unfortunate individuals. The thought that such an operation was being carried out on a massive scale filled them with a mixture of dread and determination.

Before long, a massive door on the floor emerged and from it, a bunch of robots began to appear and fly around. Terry was expecting to see some androids made of metal, so he was surprised to see something that truly looked like junk. 

The robots were gray, they had short but thick legs, but they also had long arms with only three fingers in each of them. Their head was massive and looked pretty durable like it was supposed to be some kind of cockpit… They came out slowly, but soon they began to fly and then they disappeared.

"They don't have mana, so I can't feel them," Vanessa said and then she showed a nervous expression.