
While the group was talking with the overlord, Rebecca was silently putting her plans in action… using her excellent control of earth magic, she began to control the dust in the air and made it attach to the body of the overlord little by little, but soon she felt the overlord's gaze on her and began to sweat cold.

"Trying to be sneaky was the right answer, it is a pity that I have good senses," The overlord said and then made Rebecca lose control of the dust particles. "Being sneaky isn't enough though, when the opponent is much stronger and skilled than you."

In a chilling display of its power, the overlord effortlessly manipulated the very dust in the air, compacting it into a dense, deadly projectile. With a sudden burst of speed, the concentrated dirt shot towards Rebecca with a terrifying velocity. Reacting instinctively, she raised her arms to shield herself, her armor absorbing the impact of the attack.