Unknown Weapon

Despite Terry's worries, nothing major happened in the next few days. Rebecca and Vanessa were able to clear three portals in their days. According to their reports, it looked like in all of those worlds, the overlords were pretty close to the portal. That couldn't be a coincidence. Terry assumed that something was about to happen and he could only assume that things would be bad for them, his usual gut feeling was never wrong about that kind of thing.

"Most overlords had centuries to build their power, but we are different…" Terry thought. "We also can't afford to become overlords… most of us can't."

Fortunately, Terry and Clark managed to finish the weapon that they had planned. Clark felt that it could be improved further, by Terry was satisfied with that for now. They can work on making better weapons once they have three sets of weapons and three armor as well.

Unknown Weapon - Lv 01 (0/00 EXP) (Unknown) 

Attack Power: 10

Defense: 10