Power Ceiling

In the midst of their discussion, Terry recognized the strategic importance of defeating an overlord as soon as possible. It was a risk-laden endeavor, one that could tip the scales dramatically in their favor. The potential for the weapon to gain rapid enhancements through this victory was tantalizing, and the thought of such exponential growth was hard to ignore.

Yet, Terry also understood the sobering truth – sometimes, circumstances forced choices upon them that weren't ideal. The necessity of the situation, the urgency of the nation's plight, necessitated decisions that might not align perfectly with their long-term plans. It was a bitter pill to swallow, but Terry was acutely aware that their choices were intertwined with the greater good.

"Since that is the case, from now on, I will join you guys in the closing of portals," Terry declared. "Naturally, I will do that on my own to improve the weapon faster."