
From under the snow and ice, Terry made several earth walls and emerge and when the enemies used their Frost Breath, he used four walls to block them. The temperature began to decrease and the walls began to freeze, but nothing else happened.

With a surge of determination and a newfound sense of urgency, Terry took action. Abandoning his previous caution, he unleashed a torrent of earth manipulation that verged on the frenzied. He conjured and shaped walls of earth at a blinding pace, each formed barrier smashing into the monsters one after the other with astonishing speed.

The creatures, seemingly taken off guard by this onslaught, attempted to flee in a desperate bid to escape the relentless assault. However, their attempts were futile. Terry's unleashed barrage was unrelenting, his precision unerring. One by one, the monsters were crushed under the weight of the earth walls, their attempts to escape cut short as they were struck down.