Military School (II)

After the briefing they were given by the General they were all walked back to thier rooms by the soldiers that accompanied them. When they reached thier rooms they were given training uniforms to change into.

Logan decided to introduce himself to everyone

"Excuse me everyone since we are going to spend the next two years together shouldn't we get to know ourselves better?"

They all paused what they were doing and a roommate who had a sturdy build and brown skinned almost tanned with a buzzcut and 6 feet tall stepped forward and introduced himself with an aura of pride

"I agree, my name is Dylan Blade I'm the heir to the blade family" after saying that he proceeded to continue changing into his uniform

"Alright bro...ermm my name'sJoseph Blair, sorry for the other time you guys"

he said so with a huge grin which made Peter suspicious of him but he shrugged it off.

They all changed into their training uniforms which where jumpsuits made from a material that was very elastic and tough. One could tell from the colour that it wasn't any ordinary fabric. They where escorted to a training facility one the edge of the school.

As soon as they entered the noticed something huge. The training facility was as big as a football field.

The soldier that escorted Peter and his company there looked at them with eyes of pity and said to them

"Good luck you rascals, don't you die just yet" he said so in a tone that had fear and dread intertwined in it.

As the all the boys were gathered the girls began to pour in as well. The girls hostel is opposite the boys hostel with the main school at the centre to ensure that everyone is on time.

The girls sat together with the boys and when they were all gathered a woman wearing full military attire appeared and her aura filled the entire arena.

"First rule of military school, respect your seniors"

As soon as she finished that sentence they all stood up and gave a salute which was mediocre at best.

The lady who was standing at an average height of five foot seven inches tall and had a blank expression on her face which had a striking resemblance to a certain celebrity.

She was blonde and beautiful with cat eyes a small mouth and a head shaped like a doll.

She had sky blue piercing eyes that stared into the soul and a sharp nose that appeared to be sniffing for suspicious activity.

"For disregarding the presence of a senior officer you will be punished but first welcome to The United States District of the military. The location of this establishment has been kept a secret to the public prevent enemy eyes from knowing about our preparations.

My name's Captain Lauren Harvey and like this institution there are many others all around the world in every continent and in every country though some smaller countries have joined forces with others.

Don't be deceived by thinking that the beast are our greatest threat they are not"

As soon as she finished saying that she brought out a gadget the size of a cap of a soft drink and tapped it twice. It stuck to the floor like a magnet and displayed a hologram of a creature of green skin with appearance of a dinosaur but it was bipedal like humans and had hands and feet like humans as well. It had reptilian eyes 2 inch claws on each hand and a horn with a tail as long as a bull dogs tail but had the resemblance of a dragons tail.

Lauren waited for a minute to allow them to soak it in. Then she began to speak in her emotionless voice

"They appeared simultaneously in small scout ships in all the continents on earth in remote areas about 2 years after the comet and they speak Human language or more specifically they can speak any language on earth. While the militaries of different countries engaged them they noticed that they weren't affected by bullets and missiles and were almost defeated. They called themselves Zyphars and they were only one each in all the continents and the more damage we did the more longer thier tail became and more stronger too. The military quickly realised that they couldn't do anything then they began to retreat until a private went up to the Zyphar and punched in the face with immense strength that sent it flying. Similar sights appeared around the world and the Zyphars retreated but we still haven't learnt anything from them, but we gained.

One of the scout ships was left behind, no one knows why but thanks to that we have have been able to make significant scientific advancements all of which you'll learn in class and..."

Lauren suddenly felt light headed and looked in the way of Peter who was in thought and she felt goosebumps on her body

" That's all for today you will be tested right here and assigned classes according to your scores in the meantime SURVIVE"



Lauren's shoes rang out as she walked down the hallway of a facility made up of metal walls and floors with fluorescent lights that flickered and exposed the grime on the floors and walls. At the end of the hall was a huge door that seemed out of place as it was metallic like the rest. It was a door made out of plywood colour bright red and it had no door knob.

As soon as she reached the door she knocked 5 times in a rythm and the door opened itself to reveal a library filled with books which were mostly scattered on the floor with a man whose face was cloaked in darkness.

He spoke in a deep voice that sounded like he was using a voice changer.

"Anything interesting?" he asked

"Yes, I felt pure energy coming off a young boy" Lauren replied

"How much energy"

"Dragon type sir"

"Well I'll be"

He appeared out of the darkness with a wolf mas


"Yes sir"

"Begin the process for the unleashing"

Lauren's monotone voice showed a hint of excitement about this as she replied.

"Certainly sir"

"Surely the world won't be the same after today"