Chapter 6: New Ally?

I sit down and crawl to Yuji's side, take a deep breath, see if anyone else is around, besides Megumi in the next room... No, there's no one and by the time and silence the other boy must also be on Dreamland. That's good, I just need to keep my voice down and everything will be okay.

- What you want? - Suddenly I hear coming from Itadori.

- Ryomen Sukuna... It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm - I'm interrupted.

- Yes, yes, I heard you earlier today. - The millennial curse grumbled angrily.

- Right... I'd like to offer you an alliance or contract, I know some things you might be interested in. - I propose with anticipation.

- Serious? And what could a boy who had just become a sorcerer know that was so surprising? - He scoffs amused.

- Enough to know that Kenjako is just trying to use you, like the manipulator he is! - I mean it seriously.

- ... How do you know that name? - Ryomen questions intrigued.

- I am aware of much more than you can think, including Cleave, Dismantle, Malevolent Shrine, Uraume and the rest. - I said more confident.

- What do you plan to gain by telling me this and not the other sorcerers? - The evil being asks after a few seconds of silence.

- Protection! I know what's coming in the future, I know I won't be able to trust the sorcerers, I would like in exchange for information I and the people I care about receive protection. - I explain. - As a guarantee that I know what I'm talking about, I can reveal to you why Yuji manages to contain you. - I try to convince him.

- Well then, tell me how this brat can do that. - The cursed spirit demands, with a curious smile.

- Around one hundred and fifty years ago Kenjaku started studying and reproducing with humans, trying to create hybrids between curses and humans, the Cursed Womb: Death Painting, Yuji is the tenth of them, exactly the result that son of a bitch wanted. - I confess. - In fact, soon three of them will be stolen by curses and gained a physical form, other than a fetus... - I continue.

- The certainty with which you say this intrigues me, what would Kenjaku gain by using me? - Sukuna asks.

- Not that I completely understand this little shit's plans, however I know that his ultimate goal is to find the last phase of human evolution and as a scientist that he is is experimenting and testing everything, I believe that he even wants to know more about how you "transcended" ". - I inform, probably shocking the oldest with what I know. - He even plans to use Tengen-sama, who achieved the same feat as you, isn't it true king of curses? It's a surprise that the one who receives such a title is a human, well... Was a human. Even at the Heian era was still not a cursed spirit, am I right? - I ask excitedly.

- How interesting I wonder how you arrived at this theory and where you got it from. - The four-eyed being asks.

- Well... I mostly used what happened to Tengen-sama and thought of all the things I already knew about you, in addition to what Kenjaku said. - I lie, after all, everything I said was from theories I read and saw videos. - I may not understand it very well yet, after all I'm not a genius or anything, but I can understand the basics if someone explains it to me and teaches me how it works.

- Oh? If you didn't find out about it, then who did? - He asks more intrigued and serious.

- It doesn't matter, I'll explain more about it to Yuji, you'll hear it, I wanted to talk to you first of all to get your help, but I'm seeing that it's much more difficult than I expected, so what do I need to say to you trust me? - I question him.

- Even if I trust everything you're saying, what do I get? What information is this? - Sukuna asks rolling her eyes.

- I have information on everyone's techniques and domains, in addition to what is to happen in the future I'm sure someone as strong, powerful and intelligent would want to know about this kind of thing and if that wasn't enough I know who presents a real threat for you and believe me, if these people evolve they might have a chance to defeat you. - I declare smiling.

-Then why not go straight for them, if they are that strong? - The curse mocks.

- Some of them I can't reach and the others aren't strong enough yet, the only ones who can really do something now are you and Gojo, unfortunately I won't be able to count on him at the moment I need it most, so... - I confess .

- ... If I agree what would be the plan? - Ask the curse.

- Well, it depends on what will happen in this mission to come, we will have to face a special class curse that is far above our level, originally Yuji is an idiot and tries to use you, you don't like it and kill him, however you make a deal and revive him. - I begin to narrate what is to come. - If that happens, I plan discreetly to ruin Kenjaku's plans, however if you help us, I will try to gain the trust of as many sorcerers as possible, to join them in a team and go from there. - I'll explain.

- So just improvisations, not that I expected much from a fifteen-year-old brat, however what you told me opened my eyes, when this mission arrives I will decide my answer. - Ryomen says before the mouth and the eye on the cheek close.

Extremely tired and worn out with what happened that day, I decided to leave it at that and go to sleep, after all tomorrow, I have to have a clear mind to be able to talk to Yuji... I hope he understands and forgives me for what I did, it was selfish and I will understand if he gets angry.

- Hey Hana-Kun wake up. - I hear a melodic voice.

- Ugh... What time is it? - I ask tired and irritated for having woken me up.

- It's around six in the morning. - Satoru says smiling. - I just came to let you know that I was summoned for a mission, so I'll have to leave you alone, as I don't know how long this mission will be and if the one you said about Yuji-Kun dying will happen now, I decided to prevent myself, just in case. - He explains while taking his cell phone out of his pocket.

- Okay... ? But what precautions can we take? - Curious question.

- I'll give you my number, so you can call me anytime. - He informs.

- Oh... - I say contemplative and impressed. - Wait!!! But I'm without my cell phone! When you picked me up yesterday, I didn't have it and since I couldn't stop by the house... - I point out that small detail.

- Shit! Okay, come here, I'll teleport us to your place, we take your phone and head back to school, how does that sound? - Gojo asks hopefully.

- ... All good. - I agree. - However, you're going to let me take the opportunity to get the rest of my things! I don't care if you have time to leave, it will have to wait. - Demand irritated.

- That's fine with me, now I'll have the perfect excuse to be late. - He comments jokingly and lets out a light laugh, which somehow manages to lighten my mood.

I take a deep breath, smooth out my clothes, to make them more presentable and not be obvious that I slept in them, I run my hand through my hair and put on my sneakers, after finishing getting ready in record time, I finally take the teacher's hand and we teleport to my residence. In front of the door, I knock twice with the back of my hand, knowing that mother is already awake at this time and it's okay for me to make noise.

In less than two minutes the door was already being opened, after a brief explanation of the situation, we all enter, I head to my room, while both adults sit in the living room. I remove the school materials in my backpack and replace them with clothes, spare blood, my computer, cell phone, hygiene items and everything else I consider important that still fits.

- I finished picking up things, my cell phone is here. - I inform them when entering the room.

- Perfect, I'll save my number and then we can go back. - The man in his thirties announces smiling.

- Good luck dear, may everything be good at school. I would have prepared more stuff and said goodbye to you yesterday if I had known they would take you right before lunch. - Masako reveals angrily. - I ask you a thousand pardons for not letting you know that they would come to pick you up yesterday, but understand that mom thought it would only be later and with some warning. - She completes.

- It's okay mom. Everything went very smoothly and he had already mentioned that I would possibly go to the sorcerer's school, and I was really happy to see Yuji again. - I exclaim softly.

- I see... Good! Don't forget to call me every day before going to sleep, update me on how things are going, eat well, don't go to bed late, it's okay to ask for help, if you hurt yourself go to the doctor, don't be in pain silence and above all, take care. - The woman says worried and with a slightly sad smile.

I give her a look, showing that I'm going to be fine, we hug and say goodbye, and then I finally go back with Satoru to the dorms, I wish him good luck before he leaves too. Shaking my head a little to let the negative thoughts out, I walk into the room that belongs to me and start unpacking the things I brought, the clothes go in the closet, my computer and cell phone on the desk, the bags of blood under the bed, the flashlight, portable umbrella and picture frames go where they can.

Noticing that it will probably take a while for the others to wake up, I head to the cafeteria, knowing we can cook ourselves I take the opportunity to make breakfast for myself and the rest of the first year, I have plenty of time and it will be good to see if I'm not rusty.

Checking what's in the cupboards, I decide to start by heating some water, with that ready I separate spinach leaves, blanch them in hot water and then cut them, then add olive oil and saute a frying pan with garlic and onion, noticing how the leaves are wilted I add four beaten eggs, grated cheese, salt, parsley and chives, I wait for them to turn golden and then I turn them over to the other side. With the spinach omelet ready, I cut four slices of bread and add cream cheese, then move on to making enough black tea for each, I leave two plates and a cup in front of each chair and check the clock, it's already seven and half.

In order not to let things cool down I decide to wake up the three teenagers, first I go to Fushiguro, I only had to knock on the door once for him to come out and I warned him about breakfast, with Itadori I had to shake him a few times before he woke up, as soon as he understood what I was saying he ran towards the cafeteria, while Kugisaki took a few strong knocks on the door before I was asked angrily what I wanted, when explaining the situation, I received many compliments In a much happier and calmer voice, I let the girl change as I headed off to eat.

- The omelet is very good!!! - Exclaims Yuji.

- Heh, thanks, it's been a while since I did, so I'm glad I didn't lose my touch. - I confess cheerfully.

- Yes, the bread with Cream Cheese is also delicious! - Reveals Nobara.

- Serious? I didn't like it very much, I think it might be the Cream cheese brand. - I declare.

- It was very good, thank you for making a portion for me. - Thanks the shadow technique.

- You're welcome, I woke up early today, so I had time. - I'll explain.

- You need to cook for us more Watanabe-chan! - begs the girl.

- If you think my food tastes good, then you should try Yuji's, he's the best, he's a true cooking god. - I inform the colleagues.

- I'm not that good! You are just exaggerating! - The one with pink hair complains, which starts a yes and no discussion between the two of us.

Our discussion takes so long that when I notice, the other sorcerers are gone, realizing that now would be a good time to talk, I stop discussing, I gather all the courage I have, because I know that things will change from today and finally open the mouth to bring out what I've been hiding for so long.

- Yuji... There's something very important I need to talk to you about. - Nervous start. - It's just to stay between us. I'll understand if you don't want to talk to me after this, however I really need to tell you about this, so please don't interrupt me until I'm done talking. - I asked with hope.

- Of course Hana, you know you can trust me, besides I could never be mad at you forever. - He says with a reassuring smile. - But I think it's better we talk somewhere else, since what you want to tell me is so secret. - He reveals.

- Yes... Let's go to my room then, anyway it's still good to check if Fushiguro-kun isn't close... - I say a little down.

The vessel takes my hand, gives me another smile, and leads me toward the bedrooms. Arriving in the corridors we confirm that there is no one nearby, I try to feel cursed energy, but everyone is far away enough to be safe. We walk into my room and sit side by side on the bed, still holding hands, which is the only reason I'm not shivering or running away from the situation.

- Brother... What I'm going to tell you will change our relationship, for worse or better, regardless of what you do with this information, I ask that you at least listen to me, because it could save your life and I don't want to lose you ... - I explain while I can hear my heart beating fast.

- All right, I'll listen, I promise. - The boy with the red hood is more serious and calm.

- Fifteen years ago... I died and reincarnated! I know this sounds surreal and crazy, but it's true. I completely remember my past life, my death, the time I was in my mother's womb... everything. - I confess tightening our grip. - In that life of mine, all that, sorcerers and curses, didn't exist, in fact they were an anime, the name was Jujutsu Kaisen, the second I saw you when we were kids I recognized you as the protagonist of the show... Itadori Yuji, Ryomen Sukuna's Vessel! At the time I wanted to walk away and have nothing to do with it, because I knew the risks of getting involved with you, however, the more times we did things together or talked, I knew I couldn't leave you. I confess that there were moments when I wanted to give up and just leave it all behind, I was so scared, yet I could never go through with it. - I inform the boy.

- So... Are you like those protagonists from Isekai? - Itadori asks in a relaxed way, making me scream his name indignantly. - Heh, sorry, I needed to do something to lift the spirits, you're very tense. I understand why all this nervousness, yet, understand that I still consider you a brother, okay? You being reborn won't change how much I care! - He comforts me still smiling.

- Thank you... - I thank him still shaken. - But because I was reincarnated in my favorite anime, I know what will happen in the future and... It's not good! I want to change things, I know I can't do it alone, so will you help me fight this terrible future? - I question more confidently.

- Of course! You know me, I'll never leave you alone and on top of that, as a Jujutsu sorcerer and bearer of the King of Curses, I can't let people die around! - The tallest states determined.

- Thanks. - I comment, after a few seconds of silence looking at Yuji with a soft smile. - I don't know what day exactly, but soon we will have a mission, in which we will fight against a special class curse. It will be very strong, Kugisaki and Fushguro will run away and you would release Sukuna, I don't want you to do that, at least not in an idiotic way. - I say with a tough look.

- HEY! - The pink-haired one exclaims angrily. - What's so stupid about using a strong power against a strong enemy? - He asks indignantly.

- Exactly because Sukuna is not just a power, but an evil being with intelligence! This universe works equally, you get what you give. Because you used Ryomen without his permission, you only manage to get control of the body back later, which gives him time to hurt Fushiguro, set up a terrible plan and rip your heart out! - I shout indignantly.

- Wait what...? - The half human murmurs incredulously. - Am I going to die already? So, so easy? And I let him hurt others? - He questions.

- Unfortunately yes, but he will revive you, at the expense, of course, of a binding vow, which is nothing less and nothing more than a promise that cannot be broken, according to the rules of this universe. - I explain serious. - If you want to win that curse and not let that happen, I recommend that you make a binding vow with Sukuna before that, of course, with me listening along, since he is extremely intelligent and can find a loophole in the agreement. - I clarify.

- Ah... I see... - He says thoughtfully. - So to win I'll need his help, right? - Yuji asks disappointed.

- Unfortunately, by the way, our enemies are very strong, so we will have to train a lot, in fact this mission was even a desperate way for the superiors to get rid of you. - I reveal. - Originally after you were revived you would be kept secret by Gojo-sensei and train your cursed energy until the day of the Kyoto Sister-School Goodwill Event. Since we won't have the element of surprise we'll have to rethink how to give you extra training, but... - I'm cut off before I can finish speaking.

- Why you need to take away the element of surprise. - The millennial curse speaks, which would be interrupted by Itadori, but I held his hand before that.

- What do you mean? - I question cautiously.

- It's simple, the brat would be alone with the curse, right? - He asks, which is met with a nod from me. - You just need that I killed the kid, after exorcising the curse. So you still have the "element of surprise" you're so desperate for. - He reveals.

- It's a good plan, however what would be the best excuse for me to stay close when you are in control and how he can die without being injured? - I counterattack the declaration of the cursed spirit.

- Simple, tell your friends to go ahead, while you stay behind and separate from them, besides that I can always rip the boy's heart out. - He declares with a sick smile. - Obviously, if we have a contract I can gladly revive it, however I can't help but be curious what could be good enough to make me agree to it. - He asks.

- Yuji's agreement would let you control his body for a whole minute, without interruptions, when you tell him to submit, as long as you don't hurt other people and help him as much as he needs. - I explain with a serious expression. - You know very well what you can use this loophole for, because you used exactly that in the anime, I believe that this will benefit you, right? I can even help you choose! - I declare while staring at him.

- Hana... What is he going to do in that one minute? - Yuji asks worriedly.

- Don't worry, it's not something you should worry about. - I say with a tense smile. - You trust me, don't you Yuji? I'm just protecting you, he won't be able to hurt anyone, so why are you so nervous? - I question.

- You're the one who's shaking! - Itadori points. - ... I trust you, but please, I know there's something more to it, you trust me too, right? - He asks with a smile.

- With all certainty, despite that, there are things that I prefer to be the only one who will have the burden of carrying, in the same way that you have the burden of dying and taking Sukuna along, you understand, right? - I Hopeful look at the boy.

- Yes... I'll let you keep this secret, but someday you have to tell me the truth! - Affirms the half curse confidently.

- The agreement looks very promising, I will think a little about this proposal. Why don't you take the opportunity to train and show how well you know how to apply your knowledge during that? - The king propose, before I could thank you.

- Sure! Come on Yuji, I'll try to show you how cursed energy works. I don't know if I'm the best teacher, but I think I'm good enough. - I confess with a smile and outstretched hand.

With our hands together again, we headed to the training site, it is quite large and has no one using it for now, just what we needed. I died shortly after the chapter where Sukuna took Megumi's body, the fearsome chapter two hundred and twelve, yet I heard that Gojo would be released from the seal, whether he really was or not, maybe I'll never find out.

When that moment arrives, I will have to improvise things, in the same way that I have to find out if Yuji really has some innate technique or not, the theories involved those memories that arose for Todo and for Choso, but the author has already confirmed to no be related, which implies that he may have, unfortunately was never confirmed, at least not until the time of my death.

- Very well Yuji, let's start with the basics. - I announce. - The basis of cursed energy comes from the negative emotions of humans, which can be controlled by Sorcerers and Curses. The strength of a sorcerer and a curse depends on how much they can control the Cursed Energy, the greater the energy control, the more techniques can be used consecutively and effectively. - I'll explain.

- So the more I manage to control this energy, the stronger I will be? - The teenager asks.

- That and the amount of cursed energy you have. - I agree. - Curses are created when a large load of negative feelings accumulate somewhere, they are the manifested forms of images, emotions and information arising from the collective human consciousness and perceptions related to various phenomena. - I let him know.

- So curses are made with this energy? Is that why only a sorcerer can defeat one?- He asks.

- Exactly! As for us, cursed energy can be used to amplify someone's physical capabilities, such as enhancing the body, allowing users to perform feats above ordinary humans, and leaving their senses enhanced, being manipulated to allow them to perceive curses and cursed energy that exists as a second light.

- That's so cool. - The tallest one murmurs happily.

- Heh, yes, it's pretty amazing, however you must understand that not everything is a joke, injuries with cursed energy cause people to be automatically cursed, this creates serious consequences for normal humans, such as extreme pain, weakening of the body, illness and , eventually, death. Those who are not sorcerers have zero tolerance for cursed energy - I confess seriously.

- How scary... I promise to be careful when using it! - Itadori exclaims.

- Well... Another way to use cursed energy is with cursed techniques. Cursed Techniques are advanced applications of Cursed Energy, they allow the user to channel cursed energy and perform a specific type of action. Normally, Cursed Energy can only be used as an impact force in an attack or to strengthen your own body to protect it from external attacks, however, when using cursed techniques, the energy can be utilized in a much better way. - I declare.

- So the cursed energy is like mana, chakra and stuff like that? While the technique is cursed, it's the powers and abilities. - Yuji concludes.

- That's right! It's so good to explain things to you, you catch on so fast it makes me feel smart. - I praise. - There are several types of cursed techniques, I could spend the whole day explaining, even so, I'll mention the most basic ones. There is the innate technique, which sorcerers are born with, the inherited technique, which are passed down through bloodlines, and the barrier technique, employing barrier zones to trap entities within a space or to prevent them from entering one. - I Complement.

- ... It's pretty cool what you can do and the various types, however... From what you said most things you already earn at birth, you don't acquire! - Nervously mentions the young man.

- Unfortunately yes... However, don't despair! Since not only are there things you can do without having cursed techniques, like reinforcing your body in cursed energy, but also using cursed tools! - I exclaim excitedly. - If that wasn't enough, it's also possible that you inherited something, since at least one of your parents was confirmed to be part of the Jujutsu world. - Reveal with anticipation.

- WAIT, WHAT?!? - He screams. - Oh.... Of course! You came from another world, it's obvious that you know some things. What else do you know about my parents? - Yuji asks uncertainly, as if wondering if he really wanted to know the answer.

- Sorry bro, I don't think it's good to talk about them... At least not here. Your "mother" isn't known for being nice in the sorcerer world... I promise to tell you after our first mission, but not today. - I apologize while looking at the floor.

- Okay... Thanks for at least having the intention to share with me... I think maybe I should have let grandpa talk about them, right? Well... It's over now, there's nothing I can do now but move on. - This is the one with the red shoes.

- Who knows... - I murmur. - Anyway, it's better to focus on the present, let's train your cursed energy! I want you to start feeling, not only yours, but also that of others around you. Notice how each sorcerer's is different! See that normal people are very different. - I say excited.

The pink haired one closes his eyes, takes a deep breath and is silent for a while, before I start to feel his cursed energy moving, slowly spreading, the first thing he encounters is my own energy. Despite being diluted as much as possible, you can feel it even before it reaches me, our energized clashes, his feels like a bright, big fire, unpredictable, strong and hot, while mine is cold, wavering slightly, a little denser than Itadori's.

As time passes, one energy accepts the other and the teenager continues to advance, wanting to get as far as possible. I open my eyes, which I didn't even realize I had closed, and I'm going to give my little apprentice a big smile, however I stop when I notice one of Sukuna's eyes open, he stares seriously, with an expression I don't know how to recognize. I watch his movements for a little while longer, before saying to Itadori, that he has expanded long enough and far enough, at the same time the boy comes to his senses, the age-old curse returns to his soul.

- You did very well Yuji, now I want you to let the cursed energy flow throughout your body, in a natural way, feel as if both were one, because you are! One is part of the other. At the same time that you train your synchronization I will be attacking you, since keeping feelings under control is one of the hardest things and since our powers come from them, we must learn to know how to keep them stable. - I explain with a mischievous smile.

- All right, you can come! - The other declares excited.

- I'll give you fifteen seconds before I start attacking you, so use them wisely, okay? - I comment in a playful voice.

- I got it! - The young prodigy confirms.

I take a few steps back and wait for him to start concentrating, to start counting.



I don't know what interested Ryomen so much, but I should keep an eye out, I just hope it wasn't that he saw some potential in me, I don't want to be a vessel.




Thinking about it... It would be good if I thought more deeply about who to suggest for the king of curses, I'll try to keep Megumi's ten shadow technique a secret, so I'll have to think about who else has a good technique, besides Satoru or one of the curses... Okkutsu would be someone very strong... But I don't want that to happen to him...



Do I really have the right or mental stability enough to decide something like this?




Probably not, but it doesn't really matter because at the end of the day it will still be me and Sukuna who decide.



In the future I will make a list with names and techniques.



For now I must concentrate on Itadori!



Just like that I go for Yuji, going straight to the side of his head with a punch, as expected I am defended just in time, by strong arms that surround his head, crossed with the elbows up and hands on the shoulders. Without waiting, I go with my legs to knock down the opponent's, however the boy throws his right shoulder towards me, pushing me back, which is not an obstacle, since after getting my hands firm on the ground I push myself back standing ready for another attack.

Effortlessly, I bring my cursed energy back into the body and reinforce it completely, it's like a tsunami of strength and vigor envelopes me from the inside out. With greater confidence, I propel myself forward, towards my little brother's back, just before hitting him with a kick, I change the angle to his left side, which was unprotected, making the teenager skid a little to the side.

Noticing that my strength might not be enough, I activate the Flowing Red Escale, the moment I do that, I can feel that Yuji has finally synchronized with his energy. smiling I let the child attack now, he comes up with a kick, which is reflected by one of mine, the impact of our legs causes a Black Flash, if it was I or Itadori who caused it, it's a mystery.

- Incredible!!! - I euphoric scream. - It is very rare and difficult to get a Black Flash. - I let him know.

- Serious? Awesome! - The human version of Kirby celebrates. - Well, that means I have a great teacher, right? - He compliments me, giving me a wink with one eye, which causes me a small smile.

- Heh, thanks... - I thank sincerely. - Do you want to keep fighting a little longer? There's not much else to do, for now at least. The first training you would have would be with Gojo-sensei, he would make you watch movies while you hold a cursed corpse, which will attack you if you don't focus your cursed energy on it the entire time. - I confess awkwardly.

- For me we can continue to fight a little, I hope that at least the training you are giving me prepares me for this one. - The boy jokes.

- Itadori! Watanabe! - We heard screams in the distance. - I finally found you. We have a mission, it came out of nowhere, we have to go as fast as possible, everything will be explained when we get to the car. - Megumi reports quickly, while trying to catch his breath.

- Just shows the way, we're right behind. - I declare determined and giving a nod to Yuji.

The three of us ran towards the entrance of the school, went down the stairs and passed the Tori that delimits the Tengen master's barrier, if I remember correctly what was said in the anime. Running a little further we come across a car in which Ichiji and Nobara are already sitting waiting for us.

- Finally! Seriously, where were you two? - Kugisaki asks angrily.

- Sorry, I was teaching Yuji certain concepts of the Jujutsu world. - I try to justify.

- Whatever, come in now. - The girl demands.
