Dirty Claws

Sun-kissed grass was the primary ingredient in most basic potions since it was easy to cultivate and it provided pretty good healing effects. One didn't even need to make it into a potion for those healing effects to take effect. But the best thing was that it grew like a weed in the wild.

Ackster remembered and knew about the herb because it saved The Hero's life more than once during a couple of mini-arcs at the beginning of the book. Of course, as he was now, Sun-kissed grass wouldn't have any effect on The Hero, not that he needed it.

But, for Ackster, Sun-kissed grass could very well be the thing that would save him from infections and maybe even his life.

So, before his injury could get even worse or the blood from him and the goblin attracted any beasts and monsters, Ackster began looking for Sun-kissed grass. It was night, so they could be relatively easy to find. It was just that they didn't glow constantly.

The Sun-kissed grass' leaves only lit up now and then and only for a few brief moments as if the sun was sending kisses. It also lit up if someone or something touched them.

After looking around for a while, Ackster found a stick he could use to sweep the ground and tap the different plants with to see if they were Sun-kissed grass.

He felt the wounds on his side begin to itch and sting. Thankfully, it seemed like his arm hadn't gotten infected or affected by the goblin's splattered brains and blood since it only hurt when Ackster accidentally bumped into it or tried to move it.

However, Ackster didn't see any signs of the Sun-kissed grass. He did think he saw a few light spots in a few places, but when he looked again or moved his gaze somewhere, he realized that it was due to his eyesight getting blurry.

Ackster could feel his rising panic. But he was still calm enough to know that panicking and entering a frenzy would only make his blood rush faster and spread whatever was wrong with him through his body even faster.

After surviving his battle with the goblin, Ackster refused to let himself die due to how dirty the goblin's nails were.

Ackster stubbornly continued looking for Sun-kissed grass while lamenting how much easier it would have been if the original Ackster had trained his body and skill even just a little. From what Ackster had gathered, his skill didn't only strengthen his body and senses. It also helped with his metabolism, which meant that he worked through the food he ate more quickly. But it also meant that he healed faster and broke down toxins faster.

So, if the original Ackster had spent any effort into figuring out how to strengthen his skill, especially the part where it broke down stuff bad for his body, Ackster wouldn't be in such a mess just because of a set of dirty-beyond-measure claws.

But there was nothing he nor the original Ackster could do about it at the moment. The original Ackster was probably gone. And the current Ackster had spent less than a day in the body, which was far from enough time to train it to be able to handle an infection from a monster's claws.

After cursing the original Ackster for his laziness, Ackster simply decided he had to do his best and endure. Maybe if he focused on activating his Strong Body skill hard enough, it could help him last until he found the Sun-kissed grass.

But with his waning sense of balance and blurry vision, it looked like Ackster would meet his end at the hands of a goblin's dirty claws on his first day of transmigration.

But he refused to give up. The stick he used to sweep and prod the plants to see if they were Sun-kissed grass turned into a cane he used to keep his body upright.

Ackster struggled to keep his eyes open as he stumbled his way through the quickly approaching forest thicket.

A soft thump and a dull aching sensation in his face told Ackster that the ground rapidly approached him because he had fallen. But even when he was lying down, Ackster experienced such intense feelings of vertigo that it felt like he was standing up on his feet one moment and hanging upside down the next.

With the last clear thoughts he had, Ackster absentmindedly wondered if the goblin had hidden some kind of poison under its nails. Getting this ill and dizzy just from some regular dirt didn't seem possible.

But after that, his body crawled around on the forest floor on autopilot, desperately searching for the one thing his mind had locked in on that could save him. He didn't even know if Sun-kissed grass would work if he had been poisoned.

However, his mind wasn't clear enough to have such rational thoughts. He knew that his pain and illness came from the wound on his side, and Sun-kissed grass helped against wounds. So, putting Sun-kissed grass on the wound would help.

Eventually, through some momentary clearness in the haze that was his mind, Ackster found a glade of plants that looked like they were occasionally sending or receiving kisses from the sun.

Sun-kissed grass!

He tried to stand up and walk toward the glad so that he could grab and put the herb on his wounds. But whatever poison assailed his body mixed up his balance and his bodily control, and he turned into a rolling flopping mess that tumbled into the glade.

The only good thing about the fever was that he didn't feel the pain of his broken arm anymore. However, that came at the cost of not being able to move his arms and hands properly.

Ackster felt a despair that threatened to make him give up. He had finally found the herbs that would help his body recover. But his fever was so far gone that he couldn't even control his body and put the herbs on his wounds.

But Ackster felt more desperate than ever and refused to budge to the despair.

If he couldn't apply the herbs to his wounds, he would have to apply his wounds to the herbs!