
The sudden breakage almost made Ackster lose his grip on the remaining antler. But while he didn't completely let go, only having one handle to pull one wasn't enough to hold the deer's head, and the beast fighting for its life snapped its head back and whipped its head around from the sudden release of pressure on its neck.

Ackster refused to let go of the remaining handle, and he had to suffer the consequences of that decision as his body was yanked along with the deer's head. His arm, especially, took a heavy beating since it felt like it was about to leave his shoulder and search for a brighter future with someone else.

Realizing that that situation had gone to shit, Ackster scrambled to regain his grip on the deer's head somehow and continued twisting it in an attempt to break it off when he realized that he hadn't just refused to let go of the intact antler.

His cramped grip and frenzied mind temporarily made him forget about the antler he had broken off. He didn't even realize he was still holding onto it until he scratched his arm with the sharp tip.

But his own arm wasn't the only thing he could use the tip on.

Ackster grinned, having ground his teeth so hard that his white teeth shone red with blood from his gums.

Without hesitation, Ackster jammed the sharp antler into the deer's neck. And unlike when he drew blood from himself to fill the Doppelganger Slime with, there was no need to seek carefulness or moderation.

He went all out and released all of his feelings of pain, irritation, and hunger as he stabbed the deer like a psychotic killer.

With its neck punctured like a pincushion, the deer leaked blood like a fountain and lost its strength just as fast as its blood.

Ackster somehow managed to retain a clear mind through the killing frenzy he had accidentally entered and realized that the deer below him was as good as dead. And, rather than wasting more time and effort on it, he could make sure it was accompanied even in death by its companion.

Ackster stood up, blood dripping off him and leaving a trail on the ground even a blind man could follow.

He went over to the other deer, who realized what Ackster was going to do and, despite being scared stiff, tried to scramble away. But before it could even hobble more than a couple of steps, Ackster had already jumped onto its neck and given it the stabby-stab treatment.

Ackster, soaked in the blood of his prey, sank to his knees and dropped the antler to the ground as he closed his eyes and bathed in the moonlight. He reveled in his victory.

The battle had been short, almost astonishingly so. But it was the same with the goblin.

Fights weren't long, at least not for Ackster. He fought with all of his strength at every single moment of the fight. Fighting with such an explosive method made sure that the battle would be short and quick, no matter who won.

Ackster guessed that fights in the future would probably be a little more time-consuming once he had strengthened his Strong Body's recovery effect to the point where he could regenerate limbs in a matter of minutes or moments instead of waiting several days for a broken bone to mend itself.

But it would take a while until he reached that point. And it would never happen if he died first.

So, instead of resting and waiting for a predator feeling for a snack served on a silver platter to show up, Ackster got back on his feet and grabbed the two deers, one in each hand.

He traced his steps back to the closest stream he remembered and anchored the deer in the water, letting the water wash away the smell of blood. Ackster looked back and confirmed that the trail he had left through the forest was too thick, so it probably wouldn't matter.

But draining the deers of their blood would make them easier to prepare and eat. And after cleaning himself of as much blood as he could get off his body, Ackster started preparing a bonfire.

Getting a fire was stupidly hard, but Ackster eventually found a couple of rocks that made almost decent sparks when he clacked them together. And he could use the sharp antler to prepare tinder small enough to catch fire from those sparks.

After the tinder caught on fire, it was a gentle but easy task to build a fire good enough to roast the deer meat over, which he prepared while the fire calmed down and made a glorious bed of crimson embers.

Well, Ackster's preparing the meat consisted solely of skinning the deers and gutting them. But he didn't throw away the guts, at least not the ones without relatively fresh contents. Compared to eating half-spoiled poison goblin finger, eating a heart, liver, or whatever that strange oval thing was a lot better. At least it was fresh.

Not knowing how to prepare it or not didn't stop Ackster from tossing it on the embers for a little while and roasting himself a decent pile of meat to eat while he threw on more wood and prepared even more ember he could use to continue cooking the meat.

He had killed the two deers with his own two hands. He wouldn't let anything of it go to waste.

Besides, if he needed to force it down, he could just injure himself and force Strong Body to burn some fuel.

It didn't take long before Ackster realized that it was exactly what he needed to do to fit the entirety of the two deers inside him.

The two deers were big, and since he was eating everything except the antlers, skin, bones, and a couple of internal organs, since he didn't want to eat shit, there was a lot for him to eat.

Both of the deers were larger than him. It would be crazy to try and fit it all inside his tiny stomach. So, he naturally had to empty his stomach and force his metabolism to work overtime.

Treating his stomach like a garbage disposal or food disposal made Ackster feel things he wasn't sure about. But since it would be good training for his Strong Body skill and the acquisition of Iron Stomach, he didn't mind and just got started.