
Even if he didn't want to, the bearded adventurer had come too far to back down now, so, following Ackster's provocating command, he dashed forward while clutching his sword. He held it upright like a torch to one side of his body, probably his dominant side.

Ackster calmly watched his opponent approach and close the already short distance between them. He tilted his sword slightly and held it diagonally, ready to meet the bearded man's sword.

The two blades, one dark with a blood-red tint and the other steel grey, clashed. And the difference in strength between the two wielders was overwhelming.

Ackster's sword didn't budge, and he easily pushed back. And, with a violent swing, he wrenched the bearded man's sword out of his hands.

'I have to set an example, don't I.'

Ackster realized that even if he trounced this guy, others still might dare challenge him for a chance at the heavenly treasure.


Ackster hadn't wanted to do anything extreme to a fellow human, even one such as the one that had challenged him. But at least he didn't need to kill the bearded adventurer since he hadn't seen the heavenly treasure. But he still needed to ensure no one would follow in his footsteps.

After all, even if he had won against the bearded adventurer, he wasn't sure he could replicate it against all the other adventures and still make sure no one found out it was an angel that had fallen from the heavens.

It was a shame that he had been forced to expose himself so much instead of just sneaking and grabbing Karandiel while everyone else was fighting. But there was no changing the past, only the future. And he had to make the best of his current circumstances, which meant preventing anyone else from causing him any trouble.

So, before the bearded adventurer could regain his balance or throw himself after his sword, Ackster stepped forward with Nash's prickly sword held high. Teeth gritted, he swung down.

The sword cleaved through the air with a vertical slash, straight as a ruler.

Unable to defend himself after losing his weapon and in front of Ackster's superior strength and speed, the bearded man lost an arm.

Ackster controlled his expression. It was his first time maiming someone—another human. He couldn't help but wince. But it was gone before anyone noticed. Not that anyone watched since everyone looked at the bearded man's arm on the ground.

"You threw away your life as an adventurer due to your pride. Was it worth it? When you didn't even get anything?"

Ackster spoke to the adventurer. But since he was squealing in pain and clutching his arm-less shoulder, Ackster wasn't sure he was listening. But his words weren't only for the bearded man. They were for everyone.

"Count yourself lucky. I spared your life this once since you didn't see anything. I won't be as merciful again."

This time, Ackster looked out at the crowd with a cold, stony face, simultaneously daring anyone to challenge him and scaring them not to.

Fortunately, it seemed like the bearded man had served as an exemplary example since no one stepped forward, and only one or two dared meet his gaze for more than a second. Multiple people began packing up and leaving as well.

"Well then. Show's over. Get going."

Ackster urged the remaining adventurers to get a move on as well, which most did.

"Your leader's alive in that direction."

Ackster pointed at where he had left Hansel.

"I would recommend giving up here. We had different opinions, we clashed, and I emerged victorious. There's no reason to continue this fight beyond here."

Nash and Limm didn´t answer. Limm just picked up Moira, and they began walking toward Hansel.

"Ah, wait. Here."

Ackster tossed Nash's sword back to him.

"Peace gesture."

The sword was growing increasingly uncomfortable, especially after he drew the bearded man's blood. And while it had a nice balance and was sharp enough to slice through a man's shoulder with ease, it wasn't worth the discomfort. It would be better if he could use it to keep the Crimson Edge from coming back as soon as they picked up Hansel. Hopefully, they would also realize that two of them weren't in a fighting state and decided to rest and recuperate before doing anything.

Nash grabbed the sword without saying anything and left with Limm and Moira. He did, however, glance back and give a slight nod a the edge of the glade.

"And so, what are you two still doing here?"

Ackster looked at Tenrick and Willow with a judgemental and questioning look. After what he had just done, he had made it abundantly clear that he didn't want anyone around. They didn't even pretend to leave and hide away from the pit in order to lay an ambush like some other adventurers.

"Hey, why so cold, boss?"

Tenrick lay on the ground, covered in wounds and bleeding. He didn't even open his eyes as he spoke with a tired voice.

"Okay. You're too tired to move. Good work, I guess. And you?"

Willow had sheathed her sword a while ago when it became clear that she wouldn't need to fight more, and now she awkwardly clutched her hands together.

"Um, after we sided with you back then, I kind of thought we could maybe work together from now on or, at the very least, you know, share."

Ackster was pretty sure he heard a hopeful smile in her voice. But he couldn't see anything due to the helmet.

"Sure. Come find me in the capital once I've dealt with this. As long as you can keep up, we can work together. Otherwise, I'll make sure to repay you for the help you provided me. That goes for both of you."

Ackster naturally wasn't headed for Lill's capital, Mimil. He had also given them a false name. And, as soon as he was in the clear and knew no one other than the Guild was following him, he would ask Mio to provide some more of that hair dye gel. Maybe even ask if the cute little slime had any other tricks to hide his and Karandiel's appearance.

But if he could get rid of two of those that had helped him with a gentle lie instead of using force, he didn't mind. Now, he only needed them to agree.