Fish Guts

Ackster woke up to the gentle sway of the waves gently rocking the ship, occasionally crashing against the hull.

'Did I make it back to the ship?'

Ackster had inevitably passed out during his attempt at escaping the crashing temple and the cliffs it dragged down with it. But he had at least made it back to his ship.


No, it wasn't his ship. He hadn't noticed it when he was just coming out of a sleepy daze. But his mind rapidly cleared up, and Ackster noticed that the deck he was using as a bed was much larger than the boat he had bought in Temir.

Ackster also heard and sensed multiple other people around him. The tapping wasn't just the lapping of waves against hard wood.

'Somebody fished me up. I hope I wasn't out too long or drifted too far.'