
Surprisingly enough, the announcer didn't throw out another trick. He tossed a round stone plate half the size of Ackster's palm at him. A symbol of the sun covered one side while the other was completely smooth. There was also a hole at the top, where a grey string matching the Token's color looped through, turning the Token into a necklace.

Ackster dropped the Token on the ground and raised his trident before bringing it down with all his might on the Token. A bang and a crack rang out like another lightning strike. 

But when Ackster looked down, it wasn't the Token that had cracked. It was the ground below it. The Sun God Token didn't even have a scratch on it.

"I guess it's not a fake. Why didn't you want to hand it over?"

Ackster picked up the Token and hung it around his neck. He didn't have another way of transporting things now that Bo had sealed access to his inventory. Leaving it out would also let it absorb the power of the sun.