Signature Punch

Ackster's fist arrived at the shark's forehead. As if locked in space, the shark didn't dare move after being targeted by Ackster's fist. It felt to the depths of its soul that it was in unfathomable trouble. It was frozen stiff and just lay on the boat's railing when Ackster's strike arrived.

The flat of Ackster's fist struck the shark before stopping dead in its tracks as soon as it made contact. But that wasn't the end of his attack.

A wave of mana and force succeeded Ackster's bare fist and sent ripples through the shark and at a straight angle through the air.

After somehow passing ripples through the shark's solid flesh like it was water, the force dissipated, and Ackster opened his eyes to see the shark crash to the ground and slump over the railing like it was a large sack of water with a shark design and not an animal.