Kargas Vs Tararat

Ackster leaned to the side and let Tararat's sword cut the air next to him instead. However, as soon as Ackster moved, Tararat reacted and changed the direction of his sword, striking out horizontally instead.

Ackster leaned back to let the sword pass over him, and when Tararat changed the direction of his sword back down, Ackster used his hand to push the sword aside. Thanks to Ackster's touch, Tararat couldn't change the direction of his sword again before it went down too low to cut anything but Ackster's toenails.

Tararat reversed the direction of his sword entirely as he swung it diagonally upward, grazing Ackster's chest before he had time to step back.

But both the graze and the damage to his hand healed almost instantly. Tararat noticed that, but all he thought was that it was good since it meant he didn't have to worry as much about killing Ackster.


Tararat spoke between attacks, leaving just enough room for Ackster to respond.