Living Volcano

Trana's revelation and the implication of her words shocked Ackster. Due to Bo's reaction upon learning the truth of Ackster's identity, he had somewhat expected it. There was also the fact that he came from another world that made it easier for him to understand that he wasn't the only one in the history of Millmeria to come from another world.

But to think that the Calamities themselves were also from other worlds.

"Are you saying that the Calamities are what? From other worlds? Is it some kind of weird tradition of invading Millmeria?"

Trana looked into Ackster's eyes again.

"Aha! That's it! You're from—But not quite?"

Trana tilted her head to the side, her face full of doubt as she looked Ackster up and down.

"What are you?"

Ackster got a flashback from the Sword God asking who he was but ignored that and the trauma it caused.

"Last I checked, I was a human."

Trana shook her head.