Without Mercy

Ackster and his part continued to walk while surveying their colorful and entrancingly rich natural surroundings. They didn't know what to expect, so all of them took this chance to try and learn as much about Paradise as possible before they came face to face with what they were looking for.

However, things weren't looking so bright.

"We aren't getting anywhere, right?"

Karandiel looked around as she spoke. The assortment of trees and flowers wasn't the same as what they had passed by before. But she had a feeling that they weren't advancing through the island. It was like they were walking in place, the island's landscape changing because they did the movements of walking, not because they moved forward.

Ackster and Kargas nodded to confirm Karandiel's suspicion for the others.

"It's most likely a way to exhaust those trapped on the island to make it easier for Mastrax."