
Since there was no need to worry about Mastrax's well-being, the others got into position. Mara and Kargas exchanged glances before dashing to either side of Mbelg while Karandiel took up a defensive stance in front of Makkel. As the weakest in the group, Makkel needed protection. But he wasn't completely useless.

Karandiel had a triangular shield of light in one hand and a sword in the other. But that didn't stop her from launching spears of light at the demon while Makkel prepared his fire.

At the same time, Mara buffed Mbelg.

Mbelg was more than surprised to notice himself recover quicker. It was like he was being carried by a thin layer of mana that made him quicker, stronger, and tougher. He wondered if the dragonling mage might be a traitor or if this was another one of Ackster's ways of making the fight more interesting.