Nod Or Shake

Ackster looked at the bird trapped beneath his feet. His arms had recovered in time for when the eight-winged bird with light blue feathers that grew whiter the closer to its belly they grew woke up. But pressing it to the ground with his foot was a more effective way of establishing dominance and mentally suppressing the bird's will to resist.

If he used his hand to hold the bird up, it wouldn't be as intimidating.

Now, Ackster didn't necessarily need to be intimidating. But he needed to control the bird. For that, fear was usually a very efficient method.

Fortunately, smart creatures had an easier time sensing and feeling fear than less intelligent beings.

The bird wasn't necessarily trembling in its skin at the mere sight of Ackster. But it was aware of the situation it was in.

Ackster furrowed his brow. It looked like the bird would be compliant, at least to some degree. Now, the only question was how to communicate with the poultry.