So Hot You Can Feel it

Ackster sat on the floor and concentrated.

One of the many criteria he had somehow managed to fulfill in order to reach the bottom of the Alchemaze and inherit it was his affinity for space. With his connection to the Nomi, that affinity had resulted in a seemingly endless Inventory.

But when it came to the Alchemaze, Ackster discovered more and more why he needed an unparalleled affinity for space whenever he tried to do something. The entire Alchemaze hinged on space magic. Space magic, so subtle that Ackster only noticed after inheriting the Alchemaze, filled every nook and cranny of the Alchemaze.

It was what made the Alchemaze go around, exist, and maintain such a surprisingly good condition even after all these years. Space magic separated the Alchemaze, most of it, at least, from the wear and tear of time. Space magic also prevented anything but the entrances from being discovered, no matter how much people mined and dug through the ground.