The King's Return

Mastrax cheered before throwing his arms around Ackster and landing a peck on the latter's cheek, which earned him dark gazes from Mio, Karandiel, Mara, and Anatol. Out of all the people to steal a march on them, it was the crazy old dragon? It wasn't even Wilma, who still didn't know what she felt. It was fucking Mastrax, of all people.

But Mastrax couldn't be bothered with them. He turned around and looked at the ocean. He put two fingers in his mouth and whistled.

After a few terse moments, the world trembled. This time, it wasn't because the world was afraid, like when the Sword God was about to attack, or because of some bastards attacking its barriers.

The world shook, and the ocean waved because of an impact to its surface that wasn't an attack.

Ackster narrowed his eyes as he looked beyond the horizon and caught sight of Mastrax's trump card.
