Sleeping Like The Dead

"...The Creator."

The clay figure nodded at Ackster's guess.

"I've been known by that name."

"I hear I have you to thank for saving my life."

"I did bring you here after your battle, but most of the credit goes to you. And it is thanks to you that I am somewhat alive again."

"How so?"

"This body is the clay golem you defeated in the trial of gatekeepers. Honestly, it's a coincidence. But the golem found the remnant of my soul powering the Alchemaze, which would have dissipated after fixing the barrier or run out of power after a while. It took longer than I expected."

"I see."

The Creator nodded at Ackster's succinct answer. He could tell that Ackster was tired and not all that interested, which was understandable but, at the same time, disappointing. He was the Creator, after all. Didn't Ackster want to know more about, well, everything?