No Romance

The next few weeks are some of the best weeks of Hope's life.

With Lizzie losing all of (or at least, most of) her hatred towards Hope and Penelope keeping her distance, Hope doesn't have to deal with any unnecessary drama. It gives Hope time to spend on her friends. More often than not, she hangs out with Josie. Her time with Lizzie and MG has increased a bit, but most of Hope's free time is just her and Josie enjoying each other's company.

Sometimes they watch movies, sometimes they play cards. Other times Josie talks about her emotions and Hope sits with her on the bed, nodding along as she listens to every word. She always tries to carefully take in everything Josie has to say when Josie feels like talking. When Josie doesn't want to talk, they both masturbate.

In the same room.

Not letting their elbows brush or anything because, well, that's kind of overwhelming for Hope. And she doesn't want to violate any of Josie's boundaries (a stupid thing to worry about, considering the other things they have done).


It's become a habit.

More often than not, they watch porn. Hope can tell neither one of them are really into it, based on the lack of time they spend choosing a video and how Josie's eyes rarely focus on the screen (not that Hope is stealing glances at Josie while they're doing it).

The porn makes things a little less awkward. It's white noise, something to stare at when the moment is over and they're both sitting there, panting, with damp hands. Sometimes they don't bother to turn it on. On those days, Hope has to get off to the sounds Josie is making. She becomes familiar with the slick, wet noise of Josie fucking herself and the consistent stream of curses and moans that leave her mouth.

It sticks with her. Later in the day after their sessions (Hope isn't sure what to call them), when she shifts in her empty bed and feels the ghost of her fingers inside of her, she remembers a little cry Josie made when she came. It just makes Hope so much more aroused and she figures it is because they've done it so much that she has just gotten used to it. Her brain hears Josie's voice, remembers all the masturbating, and figures that it should get horny.

It's a simple explanation.

So, she doesn't feel bad when she grants herself her third orgasm of the day with Josie in her head and a wet flood of warmth on her fingers.

Like today for example, Josie is planning on staying the night so Hope knows she won't be able to finger herself again later (well, she could, but she doesn't want to seem like some sex obsessed freak). That's why they're doing it now. Hope isn't sure who initiated it, but both of them are stripped down to their underwear with their hands in their panties and Hope's laptop resting between them, acting as a makeshift barrier.

"I wonder what that's like." Hope says. They don't usually talk during, but Josie doesn't startle at the unexpected sentence.

On the laptop, a girl is bent over the end of a bed while a man kneels behind her, his mouth and lips and tongue making her do this high-pitched squeak. It is kind of working for Hope, but she hasn't really gotten started yet. She's just gently rubbing herself at the moment, not sure what state Josie is in beside her.

"What?" Josie questions. "Eating a girl out?"

Hope's fingers seem to gain a stutter at that. She glances at the screen. That hadn't been what she meant, but the thought of it makes her flush. Her face feels hot all of a sudden.

"No. I, uh, meant being eaten out so… enthusiastically."

Josie puts all her attention on Hope after she hears that, turning her head so they can make eye contact. "No one's ever done it properly?"

The dark brown of Josie's eyes makes Hope feel as if she is being swallowed by her gaze, so Hope looks away. She stares at an insignificant part of the mattress and ignores Josie's lingering eyes.

"Well, Landon tried." Hope admits, remembering her ex's clumsy tongue. "He wasn't very good. There was effort there but he gets tired out easily and… I don't know, I could tell he hadn't done it a lot."

Hope really doesn't think of it as a big deal. Sure, it sucked that he never got great at it while they were dating and no one else bothered to do it well, but it wasn't that much of a tragedy. She knew how to get off in other ways, and she was taking full advantage of that. Josie obviously didn't see it that way, because before Hope could even notice the movement, Josie was pausing the video and crawling up onto her knees.

Josie casually wipes her damp hand on the side of her body, then plants her weight down so she's sitting on the bed. She's still on both her knees, as if she's prepared to move again soon, but she simply stares at Hope silently for a bit. Hope eventually pulls her hand out of her own panties, feeling a little embarrassed when her fingers glisten under the light.

"You should let me eat you out." Josie says, and keeps speaking when Hope's entire expression changes in surprise. "I'm really good at it. Trust me. And you know how it is between us, there's no romance."

Okay, so it takes Hope about less than a second to decide what she wants, but it takes her much longer than that to respond. She can't seem too eager. Actually, she has no idea why the answer to this isn't a no. Maybe she's just curious. Josie is right, no guy has gotten this part of their sex life right before, and Hope does want to see what it feels like with someone who actually knows what they're doing.

Alright, then. She's just feeding her curiosity.

"You deserve this." Josie adds, noticing Hope's hesitation.

"Okay." Hope nods slowly.


"Yeah, I…" Hope trails off, not being able to find the words for a moment. "I want this."

Josie takes a second to react, but she does react, and soon Josie is crawling towards Hope then reaching up her thighs to drag her panties down. Hope tries to ignore the embarrassment that runs through her when she lifts her hips to help the process along and gets a good view of just how wet her underwear is, all of the fabric darkened - even though she has barely touched herself.

It comes off easily enough. Hope feels the air run over her, enjoys the little chill it brings. Josie's gaze breaks from Hope's and trails downward. Her eyes catch on Hope's chest for longer than expected and Josie's lips part briefly, like she's considering something, but she says nothing. Hope still feels the anticipation in the air, because Josie is just looking (well, leering would be a better word) at the moment, and Hope's need to be touched keeps on growing.

Eventually Josie leans forward and touches Hope just under her breasts, drags her hand down so her nails scratch gently along Hope's body. Hope's muscles jump at the new feeling and Josie's lips tug up into a pleased, tiny smile.

Josie taps Hope's abs with a single finger. "Have you ever even heard of body fat?"

"My metabolism is just great." Hope explains with a small chuckle, feeling some parts of her body start to relax. "I'm lucky."

Hope wants to tell Josie that she looks good too. The training they have been doing over the last couple months has left Josie rather toned, kind of like those sculptures of goddesses she's seen in museums. Calling a girl a goddess isn't something she should do while naked, even if Hope's brain is chanting at her to do so.

She's still tense and Josie must be able to tell, because she flattens her palm on Hope's stomach and adds slight pressure.

"Relax." Josie instructs. "Breathe. I'm going to make you feel good, I promise."

Josie pauses, clearly waiting for something to change. Hope does as instructed, taking in a slow breath and releasing it. Josie continues, lets her hand keep going on its journey until it meets the soft spot right under Hope's belly button. Not that Hope would ever admit it, but she arches up into the touch and instinctively lets her legs part, feeling desperate.

If Hope willingly keeps on spreading her legs when Josie suddenly starts to climb down the bed, then no one has to know but her and Josie. Josie doesn't even comment on it. She says nothing really, but keeps opening her mouth a little like she wants to - keeps looking at Hope's breasts almost like she wants to worship them.

Almost, because that isn't how it is with them. Hope must be reading Josie's eyes all wrong. She heard what Josie said earlier.

No romance.

Repeating that phrase in her mind, Hope raises her eyes to the ceiling. She can't keep staring down at Josie's head. That brings up the risk of them accidentally making eye contact while Josie's mouth is on her. She can't have that happen. Even the thought of it seems so intimate.

Josie crawls off the edge of the bed and kneels on the floor, getting comfortable. Her hands grab Hope's hips and pull, so Hope slides downward until her ass meets the end of the mattress. Josie sighs then, her warm breath reminding Hope of just how close they are.

She isn't sure what she's expecting exactly, but Hope definitely gasps in surprise when Josie kisses the inside of her thigh. It makes her jump just a bit, but Josie's hands are right there to hold her still. Hope had no idea she could be so sensitive, especially since it was only her legs. Josie chuckles lightly and continues, pecking Hope gently on the other thigh before moving in closer and letting her open mouth greet Hope's slit.

Hope moans, loud and filthy at that. Her hands tangle in the sheets under her, gripping them tightly to try and control herself. Josie lays her tongue flat against as much of Hope as she can get, eventually moving it up slowly until it reaches Hope's clit.

The world blurs in Hope's eyes, so she shuts them tightly and focuses on the feeling. She can feel Josie's tongue start to circle her clit slowly, trying different directions and rhythms until one makes Hope buck upwards. Hope ruins the placement of the sheets, she pulls so hard. Josie doesn't seem to mind at all, simply hums in some clear sort of satisfaction and keeps on going faster.

"Fuck, fuck." Hope groans, has to refrain from saying Josie's name while in this state. "That feels amazing."

All Josie can do is hum again in response and grip Hope's hip a little harder, letting her know that she hears her.

No one can call Josie a liar, because she is actually good at this. She adds just enough pressure and goes quick enough to have Hope letting out a steady stream of moans. Occasionally Josie dips her tongue lower, brushes against Hope's entrance and just gets the tip of her tongue in before raising it up to torture Hope's clit again. She never actually swipes her tongue directly along the nub, and it makes Hope feel as if she is being led towards something big.

The whole bed sheet situation is getting kind of insane though. Hope can tell, even with her eyes shut, that she is accidentally pushing the sheets off the bed. Josie must be able to tell too, because Hope suddenly feels a single hand reach up to grip hers. Hope's eyes come open at the unexpected contact and she makes the mistake of looking down while Josie is looking up.

There is a moment there. A moment where they accidentally catch each other. A moment where Josie's mouth is still moving but her eyes are not, and they are locked together in this heated gaze while Hope breathes heavily. Hope is crumbling, still letting out these moans that she can't control and Josie is just looking at her - but it feels like so much more and fuck, Hope can barely breathe.

"Josie…" She says finally, because though she had been trying to stop herself from saying it Hope can't hold herself back now.

Hope doesn't even know what she is asking for, but she wants something. Her voice comes out lower than she thought it would and she watches something - something close to submission, but not quite - spark in Josie's eyes, watches Josie come to some sort of understanding before time resumes and they keep moving.

Her hand is limp in Josie's grip, and Hope allows Josie to pull her palm down. Hope is not sure where Josie is leading her, but she lets it happen. Soon, Josie is pressing Hope's hand onto her head and into her hair, guiding Hope's fingers to curl into the dark brown strands.

Hope gets the message but she's wondering if she can pull it if she wants to. She gets her answer when Josie finally presses her tongue directly onto Hope's clit, adding more pressure. It feels so good, Hope can't help but tug on Josie's hair - which, surprisingly makes Josie moan into her.

Since Hope got a positive reaction, she tries it again and receives another moan that makes things feel heavenly. Josie's tongue dips down once again to Hope's entrance and lingers there. It goes back up so Josie can use her mouth to suck Hope's clit for just a fleeting moment, before she's heading down again.

"Oh, fuck." Hope moans shakily. "Y-You can go inside."

Josie listens and eagerly pushes her tongue as far as it will go into Hope. Hope pulls on a clutched piece of hair, probably a little rougher than she should, as she cums. Josie never takes her eyes off of her, never stops moving her mouth. Hope wants to shut her eyes again, but she doesn't because she was right. This is intimate and new and fucking perfect and she doesn't want it to end.

It doesn't end there. Josie surprisingly breaks the eye contact, letting her eyes fall shut like she's savoring it as she keeps going. Hope shamelessly curses and moans Josie's name, because Josie treats it as if this is the best thing that she has done in her entire life. It might as well be, with how Josie slips her hands under Hope's ass and grips the muscle tightly to pull her closer.

Hope, on the other hand, never stops watching. She sees it all. Her own stomach, colored pink where it would usually be pale. Her breasts raising and falling with quick, heavy breaths.

And Josie.

Josie, so eager and beautiful and ready to please.

Josie, smothering herself with as much of Hope as she can take.

Hope moans so loudly when she cums again that it is embarrassing, and she immediately feels her wetness come out of her like a flood - and Josie takes it all, starts licking gently with the intent to clean instead of trying to give her a third orgasm. She feels too over sensitive anyways. She actually has to hold back a whimper when she sees Josie take one last lick and lift her head.

It feels as if Hope has stumbled onto something amazing here, because Josie simply breathes out a tired chuckle and grins at her. Josie's lips, part of her cheeks, and some of her nose is clearly shiny. Her face is flushed, her breathing a little hard, but the genuine happiness on her face is there. Josie smiles so hard she shows a hint of teeth and dips down again, but only to kiss Hope's stomach this time.

"Thank you." Hope says, not sure what else to add.

Josie climbs further up Hope's body - accidentally puts the idea of Hope kissing her (just to know what the taste is like) in Hope's head.

"You're welcome." Josie reassures. "There's no need to thank me, though."

Still, Hope feels kind of guilty because Josie didn't get to cum at all. This is supposed to be beneficial for both of them.

"Hey, do you want me to help you along or something?" Hope asks, looking up at Josie. The warmth of it all is nice, but she prefers being on top, so once she catches her breath she flips Josie onto her back.

Josie glances away then, suddenly not wanting to meet Hope's eyes. "I might've, uh, cum already while I was eating you out. I couldn't help it, you just taste so good."

Maybe Hope should be weirded out by this admission, but instead she simply feels another dull throb of arousal at the words - and, no. She is way too sensitive now to want more. Besides, they are both naked and she's straddling Josie. It would seem excessive if Hope were to get wet again.

She smiles down at Josie. Hope cups Josie's jaw, letting her know that it's okay. It is also sort of flattering too. Hope lifts her hand so it tangles in Josie's hair and, feeling curious, she pulls very gently. Josie moans, soft and sweet in return. If it weren't for Hope's amazing ears, she probably wouldn't have been able to hear it.

"Was it just the taste of me or do you have a little kink?" Hope asks. She isn't sure what she is doing, but she likes this.

The control.

Josie's eyes meet hers once again but no response comes, so Hope pulls harder.

"Answer me."

"Yes." Josie stammers. "I love having my hair pulled, okay?"

"Okay." Grinning smugly, Hope rolls off of Josie and bounces slightly on the mattress. She looks at the ceiling, though she has the full knowledge that Josie is staring at her.

Since Hope is a good friend and all, she moves first. She reaches out at an odd angle to grab the sheets and pull them up and over both of their bodies, covering them in warmth. Hope turns her back to Josie, not to be rude but because she expects Josie to know what she wants.

Of course Josie gets it, because a second passes before the bed creaks and Hope feels an arm snake around her side, followed by a pair of breasts pressing to her back. Hope sighs and slumps into the welcomed embrace. She loves cuddling - loves it even more when she doesn't have to step on her pride and blatantly ask for it.

"I'm setting up a kissing booth on Monday and Lizzie is doing a bake sale so we can rent a truck." Josie says, her breath hitting Hope's neck. "We're gonna go up to our lake house. You should come."

"Can't live life without me?" Hope teases, lacing their fingers together.

"Shut up."

Jokes aside, it is a nice gesture.

The time for all of them to get a break is coming up, so their workloads have become significantly lighter. They get about a week off soon, not because of a holiday, but because there comes a point where everyone needs to just regroup and deal with life. Every other day or so, someone does something stupid (like make a bet they can light three of their farts on fire in a row) or something smart (like start selling the witches bits of vervain to keep the vampires at bay), just so they can get money.

People are making plans to leave campus, though no one really plans to go home to their parents. Hope knows there's a group of witches getting to Las Vegas somehow, but she wants no part of that.

"A kissing booth? With Penelope Park lurking?" Hope questions, trying to keep the slight annoyance out of her voice. "Are you sure that's a good idea?"

Hope feels more than sees Josie shake her head lightly. "No, but I'm over her. Besides, all the kisses are for a good cause."

"Is Lizzie okay with me going, by the way?" Hope asks. They're friendly now, but she wants to be a hundred percent sure.

"Yeah, of course."

"Okay, then." Hope nods. "I'll go."

Josie hugs her once very tightly and whispers a quiet thank you, before slumping against Hope. They fall asleep just like that, wrapped up in each other.


On Sunday night, Hope collects a blanket, some grapes, crackers and cheese, a picnic basket, and her favorite Saltzman twin, then heads out into the woods. It's late. They have stumbled out there way past curfew and though it is nearing Monday morning and Hope has given no indication to where they are going, Josie follows willingly. Nothing but the darkness and nature surrounds them but Hope knows these woods well, so she holds Josie's hand to lead her through the trees.

Honestly, Hope is surprised that Josie hasn't protested more about this whole situation. Josie is in an adorable pair of cupcake spotted pajama pants, a green hoodie, and pink slippers, and she keeps yawning every couple of minutes - but very few complaints come. Josie might just be too trusting. Hope has led her far out into the woods with no sign of stopping. Also, she guesses that Josie can't really even see her, because Hope has to turn her eyes yellow to properly see Josie and it's not like the siphoner has that ability.

Hope accidentally steps on a branch and Josie gasps a tad dramatically, making Hope laugh. Josie swats her arm with her free hand and Hope sees her friend roll her eyes in the darkness.

The plan is barely there and sort of crappy because Hope had thrown it together at last minute, but if things work out right then this is going to be fun. She plans to shift in a clearing a couple of yards ahead, let Josie take as long as she needs to get acquainted with Hope as a wolf, and then find some way to get Josie to ride her. Not in the sexual way, but in the actual riding away, as if Hope was a horse.

It was going to be weird, but eventually they would end up at the part of the lake that Hope loves most (if things went right) for a late night picnic. Maybe they would go swimming if it wasn't too cold for Josie to be in the water.

"Okay, what is this?" Josie asks as they finally step into the clearing. It's a small grassy patch in the shape of a deformed square, surrounded by a large set of tall trees. Basically, it's pretty underwhelming since they just walked a mile and a half to get there.

"I usually jog out here to shift when I need to." Hope explains, watching Josie's tired eyes slowly light up. "I was thinking that you can hold this picnic basket and I'll shift like I promised. Then you can ride me."

Hope isn't exactly done explaining, but Josie's eyes widen and she chokes on air at the last sentence so Hope scrambles to get another word out.

"Not like that!" She says, probably louder than needed. "I mean, you can actually ride me. While I'm a wolf. I found this part of the woods near the lake that's beautiful, but it's pretty far out. It won't take long for us to get there if you just, you know, hop on."

It takes a second but Josie nods. "Okay."

She isn't sure why, but Hope feels embarrassed about all of this. They have been naked in front of each other a thousand times, even touched each other while cumming, but Hope has done that with other people. She's never willingly showed someone this part of herself and mixed with everything they've been doing recently, it feels as if this is a big step.

Still, Hope looks at Josie and feels all the care and trust in the world. She knows Josie won't judge her, and she trusts herself not to hurt Josie.

"You should turn around." Hope says, already starting to push her pants off. She lifts her shirt off and over her head, then hands the clothing to Josie. "This part isn't pretty."

Josie listens and spins on her heel, facing away and kneeling a second later to pack the clothing away into the relatively large basket. Hope takes in a deep breath and then drops to her hands and feet, getting prepared to go through it all. She has done this a hundred times before, but it still aches when her bones begin to crack and shift and grow larger rapidly.

Hope tries not to make any noise so she doesn't scare Josie. Another minute passes of her body transforming, until she sees grayish hair grow across her now shorter arms. Her gaze is a lot lower to the ground now, the scent of the earth enters her nostrils, and as her paws dig deep into the soil, Hope feels at peace.

She takes slow steps towards Josie, trying not to seem like the predator she is. It's hard to stay kind and gentle in this state, but Hope is doing her best. Walking forward until her body brushes against Josie's, Hope nudges one of Josie's hands with the top of her head and peers up at the girl. She sees Josie's fingers twitch, lets her eyes catch on the movement, and decides to nudge her again.

"Can I pet you?" Josie questions. Hope has never tried to interact with a human while in wolf form, so it feels a little odd for her to raise and lower her head quickly in an awkward nod.

Josie's fingers reach out and meet Hope's head a little hesitantly, but it feels nice to have them rake through her fur. The contact feels intense but not sexual. It's something else entirely. Hope leans into Josie's side, feeling lighter on her feet. Josie drags her hand along Hope's back and scratches gently.

"You're gorgeous." Josie breathes, in awe of Hope and everything that she is. "And also very cute like this."

Hope growls at her, but there's no threat to it and Josie laughs.

"Fine. You're a trained, badass killer. I get it." She says. When Hope looks up, Josie's smile is wider than ever.

She takes the opportunity to reposition herself in front of Josie. Hope sinks lower to the ground, offering up her back for Josie to climb on. There is some obvious hesitation but eventually Josie very carefully starts to get on top of Hope. Her legs wrap around Hope's sides and she leans forward until her front presses to Hope's back. Josie puts her arms around Hope's neck, making sure to be gentle, and clutches the filled picnic basket in one hand.

Hope stands to her full height. She turns in the direction of the lake and takes a couple practice step forwards, making sure Josie won't fall off. Josie tightens her grip on Hope's neck, but it isn't painful, so Hope starts up a sprint towards their destination.

"That was amazing." Josie says to a naked Hope, stretching her arms and legs out as she looks around the new terrain. "I can't believe you let me ride you."

"Tell no one."

Josie spins around, taking in the scenery. The lake stretches out for miles in front of them, but under their feet is wild grass and pretty flowers. The real site is the sky. With the lack of trees around here, the sky is clear to be seen. Stars paint the world, shining brighter than anything Hope has ever seen. It's breathtaking. Hope usually can't take her eyes off of it every time she sees it, but for some reason she only gives the sky one glance before all of her focus goes to Josie.

She looks beautiful out here. Her skin is a golden brown, her features delicate, and her hair a wild mess from the ride over here - but Hope loves it. It reminds Hope of how Josie looks whenever they would get done with their sessions (the name just seemed to stick), lazy and a little loose with this look in her eyes that made Hope feel as if Josie could eat her up with a single glance.

"Do you like it?" Hope asks and kneels near where Josie set down the basket, starting to take out her clothes to put back on.

"More than like it." Josie replies from her spot on the dock. She looks over at Hope and pouts when she sees Hope's pants clutched in her hand. "Don't put those back on. I have an idea."

Hope raises an eyebrow but slowly folds her pants back up into a small, neat square and shoves the clothing in the basket. While she is busy doing that, Josie takes the time to lift her hoodie off and slip her pajama pants down her legs. Hope only notices this because when she turns her head she nearly gets hit in the head with Josie's clothing, dodging it at last minute.

Normally she would complain, but at this point she knows well enough that a naked Josie only ever leads to good things. Hope folds Josie's clothes too and sets them on top of the basket. She turns again and is struck with something other than clothing this time.

The moonlight hits Josie just right, highlighting all of her curves and the dips in her skin that form her muscles. Hope swallows, her tongue feeling awkward and heavy in her mouth. Her eyes trace over Josie a million times until Josie turns her head towards Hope, looking amused, and Hope's heart hammers in her chest.

Okay, so Hope is kind of freaking out because she has no explanation for this. The arousal can be explained away by the sight of Josie triggering some sort of knee-jerk reaction in which Hope immediately becomes horny once Josie takes off her clothes, but this time is different. This time there isn't just arousal spreading through Hope's body. It is accompanied by a certain fondness Hope had never noticed before, one that had always been waiting there in her.

And it confuses the hell out of Hope.

Josie raises her hand and crooks a single finger towards herself, beckoning Hope over. Hope stands and trips over herself on the way over, but reaches Josie all the same.

She wraps her arms around Josie's body from behind and hugs her, because she feels like it and Josie smells pleasantly like soap and the trees. Hope rests her head against the side of Josie's shoulder, enjoying the contact but not the little jump in her breath and the erratic beating of her heart.

"I've always wanted to go skinny dipping." Josie admits quietly. "It's on my bucket list."

"You have a bucket list? What's on it?" Hope asks, a little surprised. She trails her hands along Josie's stomach, down her arms, and across her thighs, hoping it will prompt Josie to tell her more.

Josie simply shakes her head. "I'll tell you some other time. Promise."

"Okay." Hope agrees quietly, pressing the flat warmth of her palm to Josie's inner thigh.

"Hey, do you remember that takedown you were showing me last week during training?"

Hope's eyebrows scrunch in confusion. "Yeah, but why are we talking about it now-"

The water hits her like a cold ton of bricks. For a moment Hope allows herself to sink, still recovering from the shock of being tossed into the water. She had no idea Josie had the strength to throw her in so easily. She also forgot how cold the lake was until the water was surrounding her. Soon enough, Hope resurfaces and gasps for air, ignoring the slight ache in her body from landing.

"What the hell?" She asks and pushes strands of her wet hair back out of her face. Hope pouts at Josie, but loses all of her annoyance when Josie jumps in to join her.

Josie's head comes out of the water seconds later and Hope, feeling a little fussy, splashes Josie in the face immediately. It turns into an all out water war. Maybe Hope usually bests Josie while on land and in the gym, but the water is fair game. They both use their hands to splash as much water as possible in each other's faces and use their feet to swim away from each other, laughing as they do so.

As they near the end of their little fight, Hope dives under the water to try and surprise attack Josie. She has a mouth that tastes like lake water and tiring limbs. The slight ache in her arms and legs would heal in about a second if she just got a break, but she is getting kind of hungry and she's a cheese and cracker slut so they need to move things along. The weird thing is, when Hope gets under the surface, she can't spot Josie anywhere.

Then all of a sudden, all she can see is Josie, because Josie is right in front of her. She must have used magic, because she hadn't been there before. Hope keeps forgetting that there's a shit ton of magic running through the school and the lake by extension. She'll have to set some type of reminder, Hope thinks, but it's too late now since Josie is backing her up against the dock's wooden beam.

Josie has this look on her face that makes Hope shut up and simultaneously makes her stop all the splashing. They aren't touching yet, but Hope just knows this is leading somewhere. She glances down the gentle curves of Josie's face, allowing herself to be backed up until her back hits the wood.

Her feet can touch the ground at this point, so she stands still. Hope looks across every part of Josie she can see. The toned, obviously muscled shoulders and forearms. Her plump lips, prominent collarbones, the one misplaced freckle near the spot where her neck turns into her shoulder. Josie is taller than her, so the water covers everything under the tops of her nipples. Which is a real shame, because Hope finds that Josie's breasts are great to look at, and she wants to see them fully.

She glances back up to Josie's face, the thought startling Hope. Hope searches Josie's faces for any indication of what is going to happen next, but her eyes get caught on Josie's within seconds. Josie looks down and oh- she's looking at Hope's lips. Hope wonders if they're going to kiss. They haven't yet, but Hope sees no problem with it.

Except they kind of have rules. Unspoken rules, but rules that are still there. All the things they have been doing lead each other towards an orgasm, but most people don't cum during a makeout session.

Hope is willing to break that rule. She wants Josie to lean forward and kiss her. They have blurred the lines of what they can and can't do before. Why not now? Josie is leaning forward, closer, and Hope's breath catches in her throat. She wants this so bad. She lets her eyes focus on Josie's mouth.

Josie's lips look so soft. The thought of being wrapped up in them makes Hope feel desperate, like she almost can't hold herself back. Josie keeps moving forward ever so slowly. The water does nothing to cool the heat of her skin or the pulsing between her thighs.

At last minute, Josie dips her head down and presses her mouth to the side of Hope's neck. Hope gasps quietly and lets her head fall back against the dock's beam. Maybe they can't kiss on the lips. Maybe they aren't there yet, but they can do almost everything else. Josie trails kisses along the pale column of Hope's neck, sucking and licking and drawing little moans out of Hope as she attacks the skin.

She can't help it. She accidentally bucks forward into Josie, feeling the odd and sudden need to thrust into something. Josie doesn't seem to mind, just presses forward and kisses her neck with more force. It makes Hope incredibly wet (she can tell, even though her bottom half is submerged in the water), and she wants Josie to feel the same so she pushes her hands up Josie's back until her fingers curl into Josie's hair.

Hope tugs.

"Ah, fuck." Josie whines, removing her mouth from Hope's neck. "Please, Hope. Harder."

And yeah, okay. That's it. Hope needs to get her hands on Josie properly right now, doing anything else would be a disservice to the entire world.

They don't know it, but everything shifts when Hope puts her hands under the water and easily picks Josie up by her thighs. Hope carries her out of the water and onto land. She decides that the cleanest place to put Josie would be on the dock. Sure, she has a blanket buried somewhere in the basket but it feels as if there is no time for her to grab it at the moment.

Hope sets Josie down on the dock and for a second, she just admires how easily Josie accepts the position. Josie lets her arms rest near the sides of her head, palms up. She wraps her legs around Hope's waist and tries to pull her closer, while pushing her head back against the dock so her neck is bared to Hope. Hope takes the gift gladly.

She dips down and latches onto Josie's neck. This she can do. She's never done anything with a girl outside of Josie, but she's kissed boys necks before. Hope presses her open mouth to the soft skin of Josie's neck, trailing her lips up and down until she finds a spot near Josie's jaw that makes the girl under her moan extra loudly. It's obviously sensitive and Hope takes full advantage of that.

She spends a lot of time sucking on that one spot, knowing it feels a bit softer than the rest of Josie's neck. Hope notices Josie's upturned palms once again and takes the invitation, pinning her down. Hope can't see Josie, but she can hear the noises she's making and they're absolutely perfect, just the right type of desperate that Hope wants from her.

It might be a little possessive, but Hope wants to leave hickeys. The thought of seeing Josie's neck all marked up the next day at the kissing booth makes her feel hot, and it's a plus that it would show Penelope that she doesn't have a chance with Josie again.

Okay, so it's a lot possessive, but she's a Mikaelson and a werewolf - it's in her nature. Something in her head is saying that Josie is hers, even though Hope fully knows that Josie is nobody's. Still, Hope can't deny her instincts and once she's satisfied with the hickey near Josie's jaw, Hope moves her mouth to another spot and nips her skin. Josie jumps at the tiny bite and Hope holds her down harder.

"Hope." Josie whimpers as Hope repeats the action.

Josie strains to let Hope have as much access to her neck as possible. Hope does everything she can, loving the gesture. She wants to mark Josie everywhere, leave hickies along her soft thighs and her tan breasts so later on when Josie touches herself all she'll be able to think about is Hope.

Hope has no idea where all of this is coming from, but it comes quick and she has these animal instincts that kick in. All she cares about right now is Josie and making her feel good.

"What do you want, Josie?" Hope lifts her head, looks down at Josie intensely. "You've got to tell me."

Looking more than a little aroused, Josie pulls her bottom lip between her teeth. "I want your fingers in me. Please."

The added please at the end is what gets Hope. It's just so very Josie to turn everything into a plead, even when she gets the chance to make it a command.

Keep in mind that Hope has never done this before. Of course she's fingered herself, but this is a whole new angle and it's a different person. Still, Hope is going to try her best. She slides her hand down and uses two fingers just to explore Josie's slit (accidentally brushes against Josie's clit and knows it because Josie cries out, possibly a little overwhelmed by all the stimulation). Her fingers glide up and down easily, but it only takes her a couple strokes to know where things are.

Hope slides her fingers down and grants Josie's request, slipping into her. Her fingers meet little to no resistance. In fact, a semi-loud squelching sound fills the air and when Hope grins, Josie's blush grows darker with embarrassment.

"You're so wet." Hope breathes, slightly in awe of it all.

She moves her hand slowly, building up a rhythm. Hope wants to get this right for Josie, so she tries a couple different angles and speeds. It takes a moment, but eventually Hope curls her fingers just right and presses against a small, spongy spot inside of Josie that makes her moan in pure pleasure. Hope attacks the spot, hitting it again and again relentlessly, becoming obsessed with the noises Josie is making.

They sound so desperate, so needy, and to add to it all Josie moans Hope's name as if Hope was a god. Hope loves it - loves watching her. She looks up and sees Josie's red tinted skin, her heaving breasts, accompanied by her heavy breathing. Josie's hands still obediently rest up by the sides of her head, right where Hope left them, but they're balled into fists now.

Shifting her wrist just a bit until it reaches the right angle, Hope uses her thumb to swipe against Josie's clit. It takes that and some more pressure for Josie to make that near-cumming sound that Hope has become familiar with.

"Can I- fuck. Can I please cum?" Josie peers down at Hope, rocking desperately into her hand.

Hope feels herself throb at that. She hadn't expected Josie to beg, but hearing it turns Hope on more than anything. Part of her thinks that if she were to say no then Josie would hold off until Hope gave her permission, but it isn't the right time to test that theory.

"Yes." Hope replies. She wants to tell Josie to cum for her, specifically, but maybe that's too far, so she keeps quiet about that part.

Josie does cum either way, with a loud curse and something that sounds a lot like Hope's name. She keeps on rocking steadily onto Hope's fingers while Hope keeps thrusting, slowing her pace once the aftershocks seem to stop. Hope pulls her hand out from between Josie's legs and looks at it, noticing how wet it is immediately.

Her hand is glistening in the dim moonlight and her palm is dripping, drops of the liquid sliding down past her wrist. Hope finds some odd fascination in looking at it. She wants to lick her fingers, just to know what Josie tastes like. That would make it fair, considering Josie knows what Hope tastes like.

Except Josie beats her to it and suddenly her fingers are in Josie's mouth. Josie drags her tongue over Hope's skin and sucks gently, trying to lick the digits clean. The wet warmth of Josie's mouth is perfect, her lips feeling soft against Hope's knuckles. Hope groans at the sight, she can't help it.

Eventually, Josie pulls off with a wet pop and grins lazily at Hope.

"I wasn't sure if you brought napkins." Josie says as an explanation and Hope nods. That makes sense.

What doesn't make sense is the flutter in her stomach when Hope sees that Josie is still loosely holding onto her hand. The contrast between Hope's pale skin and Josie's tan is beautiful.

"Do you want to eat?" Hope asks, licking her lips. Her mouth feels weirdly dry.

"Yeah." Josie replies, standing and taking Hope up with her. "What did you bring?"

"Cheese and crackers, and some grapes."


They go back up the dock to where they left their clothes. Hope starts getting dressed and so does Josie. Even though it's cold out, Josie tosses Hope her hoodie in a silent request for her to wear it. Hope pulls it on and while she does, Josie starts to set out all the food on the dock. When Hope is done getting the green hoodie over her head, she spots Josie sitting a few feet away from her with the blanket wrapped around herself and some grapes in her mouth.

"You're so small." Josie says as Hope approaches her. Hope looks down, seeing that the hoodie falls down to mid thigh on her. She rolls her eyes and joins Josie, already going for the crackers with cheese.

Hope smiles, nudging Josie teasingly. "Shut up."