Date with desire

The words hung in the air, echoing through my mind. The aeon of fear, a terrifying concept that sent shivers down my spine. I tried to comprehend the gravity of this revelation, but fear gripped my heart, causing my thoughts to scatter.

Just thinking about the name reminded me of the giant hole in my stomach, the decapitation, and the multiple punctuation wounds I received. But I never received those wounds, but it felt too real, the pain was there, I remember it.

"I hope I never run into him again."

Aylin looked at me with a confused face.

"Haven't you been informed that aeon wielders attract to each other?" She asked perplexed.

I look at Aylin and remembered; ever since the flower of freedom emerged, I have been running into aeon users nonstop. So that's why I have been meeting so many weirdos lately.

"~ I doubt you can hide forever, rice collector ~," Aylin said playfully.

I decided to go rest so I can continue tomorrow. I thanked Aylin and walked with Oslovi in my arms. I was so damn sleepy. Even though Oslovi healed my physical wounds, I still remember all those times I died, it hurts, it hurts like crazy, seeing yourself die. I can't just shake off that deathly feeling.

Unlocking the door, I walked inside to find Emovi sound asleep. I walked over to the open window and closed it, shutting out the chill of the night. Then, with a weariness that seemed to seep into my bones, I crawled into bed with Oslovi beside me.

Closing my eyes, now the darkness filled with vivid images of my death, repeating over and over again. I don't want to feel that pain again, opening my eyes, I see Emovi and Oslovi beside me. I can't fulfill my promise? How weak am I? I promised her something I couldn't do, I can't protect her freedom. I can't even protect my own.

I want to protect my freedom and the freedom of others. I need to overcome fear for that to happen. Fear has been with humans ever since our creation, fear is what keeps us alive, fear is also what kills. Sometimes it is best to fear and back away. But at moments you don't buckle or yield against fear, you dance with death but death doesn't take you.

Aeon of fear, I will perform with death once more, just for you. I'm going to kill you, I will protect the things I love, try to kill me again. Freedom flows from me like a tide, sometimes it ebbs but now it flows forward. You will not be robbing me of my life, fear.

I will grow stronger.

"Wake up, wake uppp"

I heard a small voice saying, "wake up, wake up," accompanied by something hitting my stomach every second. I opened my eyes to see Emovi sitting on my stomach and bouncing up and down. When she finally saw me awake, she stood up on my stomach and jumped off the bed, using me as a launchpad. She landed on the ground with a triumphant grin.

"Wake up, sleepyhead," she said, her excitement contagious.

As if she was the one to talk, she was practically dead yesterday and now she is calling me a sleepy head. She ran down the hallway telling me that Marlowlia is waiting for me. I climbed out of bed and started my morning routine. Looks like the flower is gone. Walking down the hallway and entering the main lobby, I see Marlowlia sitting with Emovi, eating.

"Hey Vivshi, I already ordered for you, come sit down."

The food came, and although it looked weird and smelled odd I ate it without hesitation. On the other hand, Emovi sat there, fork in hand, staring at the food. Seeing this Marlowlia reassured her,

"It is potato pancakes, it is called kartoffelpuffer. Here, place some apples on it."

Emovi still looked unconvinced, after all, she was a noble child from another city. I glance over at her in disdain. Taking the fork from her hand,


Stabbing the kartoffelpuffer with her fork, in a matter of milliseconds the fork went straight into her mouth. I put the utensil back into her hand and sat down. Emovi started to chew the pancake, her expression changing from shocked to pleased.

There is still some food left on my plate, so I continue my meal. While eating my meal, Marlowlia asked me if I slept late, saying that I was sleeping for a long time.

"Marlowlia, what is the time?"

She told me that it is around lunch hours, and she and Emovi have been waiting for me to wake up.

"Marlowlia, can we go shopping for souvenirs? We are in a different city so I thought we could maybe get some cool things!" Emovi said with excitement.

Marlowlia's head slowly rotates towards me, I nod in approval. With Emovi holding her hand, Marlowlia walks out of the inn.

"We meet at the inn later in two hours!" I yell.

She gave me a thumbs-up and walked out with Emovi in hand. Sitting here all alone was boring as hell. Deciding that I should also explore the city I wander out to the streets.

The first place I want to check out was the blacksmith's shop. I don't want to run into the aeon of fear with a shabby rusty knife and get one shotted. After some time sauntering down the streets, I finally found it. On the sign, it said Nipiko's armory. I stroll in the shop and walk under the curtain. Seeing a big man in T-shirt and shorts, hammering on a piece of red hot metal. He had short blond hair and blue eyes, his face covered with moles.

Walking around the shop and looking at the marvelous shiny swords and weapons. Picking up a small little knife and touching the tip, it pricked me. It was sharp enough to make my index finger bleed just by applying small amounts of pressure, truly a magnificent blade.

The man stopped forging the piece of metal and dipped it in water. The water sizzled as the piece was being submerged. Wiping off all the sweat from his forehead he walked over to me, asking if he could help me.

I told him that I was just looking around, walking back to his counter, he opened one of his drawers and took out a Burek (Croatian bread). Sitting down, he started to eat his sandwich.

Looking around for a long time, but didn't find anything that fit my tastes. I asked the man who was eating if he could help me find something that I would like.

"You can call me Pikola, I have a feeling we are going to get along well." He smiled.

He smacked my back and asked me; how old I am. Telling the man that I am 17, he smiled and said he is only 2 years older than me. Pikola helped me find a small dagger that fit perfectly in my hands.

"Soooo, how much does this cost?" I asked looking desperate.

Upon hearing the price I fall to the ground, overwhelmed by the price.

"150 Livis, 150, Marlowlia gave me one Livis… After all that begging I got one." I cried out.

"You okay bro? You look kinda sick." He asked jokingly.

After his mean sarcastic joke, he told me that I could trade him items for another item. A flame of hope lit up in my eyes. Rummaging through my leather shirt's pocket I find a piece of Carpinite, that I still had from that day with my brothers. I had sold off the main piece but before doing so I had broken a smaller piece off to keep as memorabilia.

I showed him the piece of Carpinite that glowed, my hands started to hurt, I dropped the Carpinite down to the ground, looking at my hand, it was completely red.

Pikola picked up the Carpinite with his gloves and inspected its quality.

"It is sure one of the finest qualities of Carpinite I have ever seen. It is beautiful, I can't accept this, it is too good." His eyes glimmered in awe.

Trying to convince him to just buy it from me was a hassle, in the end, he didn't buy it. Instead, he suggested an item soul connection, it was when you bind your soul with your weapon. Making your weapon strength increase tenfold. But in order to do an item soul connection, the weapon needs to be super high-quality metal and engraved with special symbols.

"Hey, hey! Can I forge a weapon for you with this Carpinite? I can also add in item soul connection for you. All of this is for free of course, I always wanted to work on such fine quality of Carpinite, it would be an honor." He said with excitement.

I have never heard of item Soul connection before but hearing that he is willing to give a free weapon, I agreed.

He started to work on the Carpinite immediately and requested some blood from me. Saying that he needs at least 200 milliliters of blood from me. Sitting on a chair and watching him work as blood dripped down my finger into a small container.

Sitting here and watching him work is kinda entertaining anyways, as I admired his work, a familiar face walked into the shop.

"Aylin! What are you doing here?" I asked shocked.

"I had a crunch that you were going to be here, so I thought I would give you a visit." She said smiling at me.

"Don't tell me you stalked me all the way here…" My face turned into an uncomfortable expression.

Aylin stood there and continued smiling at me. She sat down beside me and stared at the blood that was dripping down into the container.

"Can I taste?"


After her stupid joke, Aylin asked me if I wanted to go on a date with her. I looked at Pikola, who reassured me that my weapon would at least take 2 hours to craft if he used all his abilities.

Asking Aylin why she wanted to go on a date with me. Answering my question by saying that I'm one of the few people she has seen trying to fight fear and get away with it. For her, it seems like I'm an interesting person to be with.

After the container is filled with my blood, giving it to Pikola who is happy and focused on working on the weapon.

Aylin and I left the shop, as soon as we left the shop, Aylin started to cling to my arm and lead the direction we were going.

"This way, this way." She excitedly said.

We were at the market, full of food and goods. Aylin proceeded to buy a few products and dragged me with her to another location.

"Aylin, when is it over?" I asked exhausted.

"We are almost there, walk with me a little more."

We were at the top of a cliff, and the view of the whole city was visible from the cliff. Aylin laid down a blanket and put down some food on it.

"We are having a picnic!" She said.

Looking around, it was only us two here, a place full of white flowers. Aylin spoke out,

"These flowers are called moonflowers, at night the moon is pretty here. You can see the whole night sky from here. Did you know? My name means moon halo. My parent's first date was here, and they named me after what they saw in the sky."

Aylin started to explain that she wanted someone to help her with her curse, the curse of desire. When she saw me in the carriage, she knew that I would be able to lift her pain, even if it is a little.

"My curse, the aeon of desire, has caused me to seek out stuff that gives me the most pleasure. If it is through drugs, adrenaline, or sex, even if I'on want to do it, I can't stop myself from doing it. Vivshi, please help me find freedom."