Unwon game

We continued our intense game, Sekito regaining her composure and launching an attack on my queen by moving her bishop to B8. In response, I moved my queen down to A4, skillfully evading her rook.

As I analyzed the board, it became clear that her best move would have been to castle. However, she surprised me by playing bishop B6 instead. Undeterred, I countered with knight D2, and she responded by moving her bishop to B7.

"When do you plan to castle Sekito?" I asked, trying to assess her strategy.

Sekito aimed to create a double attack with her two bishops, targeting my F and H pawns. Undeterred, I pressed on with knight D4, prompting her to bring out her queen to F5. Now, she posed a threat to several of my pieces, making me uneasy.

"Ohhhh, Sekito~~~, what would happen if I capture this pawn?" I wondered aloud.

Bishop takes D3, closing her right eye as blood trickled down her face.

"Ah, you got my eye," she acknowledged.

"If you take both, perhaps you'll take away my sight as well."

But this wasn't an ordinary chess game. The aim was to impair each other's senses, rendering the opponent completely helpless. Limbs couldn't move pieces, and without sight, victory seemed within reach. So far, we had removed four body parts: eyes, hands, feet, and chest. The remaining twelve were still a mystery.

Sekito played Queen H5, but her options were limited.

Seizing the opportunity, I bravely advanced my knight into enemy territory. Knight to F6, attacking both the queen and the king, forcing her hand.

"Now, let's see which body part the knight will claim..." I mused.

Sekito grabbed my knight, and I tumbled to the ground, pain shooting through my legs. She had taken my legs, leaving me bleeding profusely. Desperately, I grabbed a nearby cloth to staunch the flow.

Struggling to sit upright, Sekito swiftly materialized a chair to support me. I clung to it, propping myself up and steadying the chair as she anchored it to the ground.

"Thanks, bro," I muttered, gratitude mingling with my determination for revenge.

Seizing the opportunity, I captured the pawn that had claimed my knight, causing Sekito's ears to vanish.

"Oooooo, it feels strange to hear like this. Uncomfortable too. Can you test talking to me?" Sekito asked.

"Sekito, Sekito, Sekito, Sekito, Sekito," I repeated.

"Okay, stop," she interrupted.

Now aware that the knight represented legs, Sekito seemed unfazed by the threat of having her knight taken. After all, she could fly. She made her move, rook G8.

In dismay, I realized she sacrificed her knight for a powerful attack, leaving me struggling to find a defense against her rook's onslaught. Her queen threatened to capture my knight on F3, and the rook's pin would prevent me from recapturing. I scratched my head with my left hand, rocking slowly back and forth, desperately seeking a viable play.

"In a little pinch?" A small voice could be heard behind me.

Sekito and I look at the person who went into our shrine. It didn't sound like Emovi or the girls. Turning around and seeing a small little girl with messy blonde hair. Her hair is tangled and is all over the place. Blue eyes and a white T-shirt too big for her. Is she wearing shorts? It didn't seem so, her shirt acted like a skirt anyways. She has a funny cap on her head, it reads out "Mayo."

Sekito sighed deeply, looking at the little girl.

"Devina, can you come back later? We are having some fun."

"Nop, I am just checking things out~~~."

Im still puzzled by her appearance. It is like I had seen her before. Her cap is the weirdest thing she had.

"Really? Mayo? Where did you buy that?"

She looked at me with an evil grin then shifted to a serious expression.

Sekito looked shocked and reached out to her,


The little girl's expression soften as she said the words,

"I am sorry little one."

Little one? Isn't she the little one? Before I could comprehend more, she spoke.

"Mayo nutz fit in yo mouth."

The whole room became quiet. Sekito gave me a pat on the back and then hugged me.

"It is okay, it is over, you are going to be alright."

She comforted me, after the words of the little girl, Sekito was empathetic, and felt sorry for me. Then she looked at the mischievous girl standing there proudly after tricking me into that.

"You little.."

Chains materialized and hooked the small body up into the air. Sekito tied the little girl to the ceiling and scolded her.


"I'm not really sitting… ya know, I am levitating, or taped to the ceiling."

Sekito got back to the ground and asked to continue.

"Play rook D1, D1! Vivshi~~~."

Rook D1 wasn't that bad of a move so I decided to follow her instructions.

"Quit yapping! You little shit."

Chains materialized in front of Devina's face.

"Sekito… what are you planning to do with that chain?"

Sekito was pissed off, she was ready to snap the little girl's neck off.

"Sakaranai-sama please don't, pls, don't do it."

Devina paused.

"Okay, just do it."

The chains went into her mouth and stuffed her mouth with metal. Causing everything she said to be muffled.

"Mmmmnnnnhhhhhm, auuuughhh."

Weird sounds of discomfort could be heard above me but I continued playing.

Rook D1. Sekito calmed down and analyzed the board.

"Don't trip alright?"

She took my second knight and my second leg disappeared. Now I was legless and bleeding even more. The pain was unimaginable, it was the feeling of bunch of needles shoved up my femur. Grabbing a piece of cloth and wrapping it around the stump that was left.

"Woah, you are really in agony."

How am I gonna defend against this? She is threatening checkmate and if I defend with G3 I would be as good as dead. If I moved my pawn, her pieces would gain tempo and I would get behind.


"Oya, Oya? In a little pinch?"

Sekito giggled a little. Trying to defend against this attack. Defend! It is too difficult, I can't focus. Pain. Too much. As I was about to make my next move, I heard grunts above me.

Devina spit out the chains, it rattled in the air as it descended, landing on Sekito's head.

"You little…"

Taking this opportunity of free speech, Devina yelled out.

"Take her knight with your rook!"

Sekito sighed deeply again. She let Devina down from the ceiling and put her next to me.

"Devina, if you want to play so bad, then just play with him. You guys become one team against me."

"Thank you, Sakaranai-sama~"

"But you gotta wager something in order to play. How about… if I win, you leave me alone for the next 200 years."

Devina smiled and told Sekito her request.

"Oki, if I win… hmmm, hmmm, uhh, you dress up in this."

Devina took out the little pouch she had and stuck her hand inside. Her arm disappeared while in the small pouch. She then pulled out a short-sleeved, ruffled dress with a puffed-out skirt. The dress is primarily red and white, adorned with various patterns, including polka dots and small stars. The top part had a frilly collar and cuffs.

Over the dress is an orange vibrant waistcoat with gold accents. Adorned with decorative buttons and pockets.

Then she pulled out some white frilly shorts, they were loose and allowed for easy movement.

After that came white striped socks and brown shoes with decorated straps and buckles. It seemed like the shoes were a little worn out.

Alas, she pulled out a large, cone-shaped hat with a wide brim. The hat is predominantly red, with a yellow ribbon tied around it. At the front was a big golden four-leaf clover.

"And I get to take 6 pictures of you posing in it…"

"Make it 5."



"Alright, then 5 pics."

"Imma join your team now Vivshi! Let us have some fun." She smiled.

"Mind if I sit on your lap?"

She didn't wait for a response and just sat down. Leaning back into my stomach.

After that, she lost both her legs and her right hand.

"Let us play Vivshi!"

Devina paused for a moment and looked down. Seeing both her legs gone, she looked up at me.

"Vivshi, you are male???"

I nodded, and she sat there thinking about something.

"Holy shit dude, you are the perfect trap. Not only do you look like a girl but you also sound like one. Ain't no way."

Devina looked at Sekito.

"Oi Sakaranai-sama, did you know?"

Sekito didn't answer and just hushed her to play.

"Oi, scoot a bit forward Vivshi." She looked at me and pouted.

"You know am really short, ya know, and I have no legs, I can't really move."

Wait, isn't she bleeding? I looked at her missing legs but it seemed no blood was coming out of her limbless torso.

"Why aren't you bleeding?"

"I stole some of Sekito's tree juice and drank it."

She took out her little pouch and grabbed a bottle that she found.

"Here, juice."

"Thanks, bro."

I drank up the juice Devina gave me and then Devina told me that it wouldn't reverse the chess game limb removal but it would stop the bleeding.

While Devina was explaining about the chess game and the juice's properties, we felt an ominous aura in front of us. It was a killer aura like we were being hunted.

Sekito sat there, pissed off like hell.

"Can. We. Finish. Our. Game?"

"Yes ma'am…"

We both became quiet and Devina analyzed the board.


Devina's tiny hands reached out and grabbed the rook and took the knight on E7. Sekito lost one leg but she just levitated upward.

It was now checked and Sekito had to defend, halting the checkmate.

"Free rook," she said.

Sekito grabbed our rook and our right arms disappeared. It was less painful with Sekito's tree juice but it was still really uncomfortable.

"What are you doing Devina? It is hopeless, she is going to checkmate us."

"Shut up."

What is Devina doing? She is just sacrificing all our pieces. I bonked her head and she turned around, rubbing her golden blonde hair with her left hand.

"Owww, what did you do that for?"

"Can you stop trying to lose?" I said angrily.

"Shut up."

She then aggressively grabbed our queen.

"Oi, oi, oi, what are you planning to do with our que…"

Before I could finish she shoved our queen into the pawn D7.

I smacked her head again.

"Have you gone insane? Why are you just giving our queen to her?"

Devina didn't answer me while Sekito sat there looking at the board. After 20 seconds, Sekito put her hand on her forehead and started to laugh.

"You really did that. You are really befitting of the title of Aeon of Dexterity."

"Wait what? Aeon of Dexterity?"

Devina remained silent and started to rock back and forth in my lap.

"What are you trying to do? You are rubbing too much. Stop it."

Devina stopped and pointed at the board.

"Do you see?"

Analyzing the board once again. I realized the brilliance behind the queen's sacrifice. But what would happen if Sekito took our queen? The queen is the second most important piece, what part of our bodies is gonna vanish?"

Just thinking about the possibilities made me shiver in fear. What if it is my head? Ugh, makes me sick just thinking about it.

What is going to happen once Devina's brilliant queen sacrifice gets taken?

Sekito didn't have any choice but to take the queen, she had nothing else, if she ignored it, it would just be checkmate in a few turns.

Sekito grabbed her king and kicked our queen away, and the queen fell.
