Mother and son 2

This peaceful world was where Mother, Lan, and Ken lived. I know it won't last, I know they are going to be abandoned. Their pain will be repeated. Before that can replay, I will not let Lan, and Ken go through such pain again. Even if it is a replication of the original world, I cannot let that happen once more.

Me slept peacefully as I watched on by the bedside. My brothers came into the room. Before they went to sleep, Ken went up to me, took out a Sharpie, and drew a giant penis on me's forehead.

Before he could draw more on me's face, Lan took the sharpie from his hand and put it away.

"Give that back! One more penis on his face, c'mon. Just one more, just one."

Lan stood there contemplating his decision.

"Now that you mention it. Maybe It is time for him to pay back for taking my rocks and grinding them up," he said.

Oh yeah, thinking back to when I read some books, I read that you could make glass by grinding up quartz and mixing it with a bunch of other stuff. The other stuff you needed was lead which I got from Galena, calcium carbonate, and some burnt seagrass.

The nearest place to get seaweed was the coastal city of Nautilus. Which is located too far away. I made the glass, but it came out really bad. More like it never even melted. I had no furnace that could smelt the fine grains of quartz. Rest in peace Lan's rock collection.

I had to stand there to bear witness to the atrocities my brother did to my face. I woke up the next morning to see all the grotesque artwork on my face. My poor younger self.

The next morning, me woke up and did me's usual routine. Me seemed normal, not realizing the stuff on me's face. Until me checked the mirror to see all the art painted on me's face. Me freaked out and started to rinse it off. Fortunately, the Sharpie Ken used wasn't permanent and me got everything off.

I continued to follow me around the house. Trying to come up with a plan to achieve my goal. A way to escape this world before it is too late. My reason to be here is due to my mother. I resent her, I loath her, I wanted her to continue to be with us all, but she left us without saying goodbye.

I sat there on the couch, thinking as hard as possible. I laid down on the couch with my arm over my head, tired from thinking. I closed my eyes to seek tranquility amid my thoughts.

I hear some screaming. A woman's voice, growing closer and closer. I open my eyes to see a giant blue hole above me. The screaming grew closer. Something came out and crashed into me, landing with immense force on my stomach.

"Owwww, this hurts a lot, did Sakarane-chan need to put up so many barriers in this world?"

I slowly open my eyes in pain to see a butt in front of me, golden long hair, and a white t-shirt with short jeans.

"I recognize that shirt! Devina?" I said in short breaths.

"Bing pong! That's correct."

She turned around and faced me.

"Wait, you changed your cap?"

She took off her cap and looked at it. She looked at it with an annoyed face.

"After that mayo incident, Sakarane-chan took my mayo cap and burned it. Now I have this one that says Bofa."

I look at her with a disappointed face.

"How many of those caps do you have?"

She looked up at the ceiling and then back at me.

"I have only one, I make stuff when I need it."

First of all, how did she get into the reality world of my dream? Second of all, why is she here in my dream?

Devina stood up on my stomach and leaped off, landing perfectly in a T stance. She then proceeded to look around and scrutinize my house.

"So this is your memory, what is taking you so much time to figure out your problem? Do you need any help?" She asked with enthusiasm.

I needed some help figuring out this, but is it even allowed to have someone help you in this trial? Like wouldn't Sekito be super pissed about this? I contemplated her request to help me. But I have been wandering for so long in this world without any clue how to get out.

Wanting to escape from this world before the events repeat themselves I asked Devina to help me escape.

"Yeppers, I will help you, but first… please tell me where the bathroom is. Dimension traveling isn't really good for your stomach…"