Family squabbles

Fidgeting with her fingers, waiting for a response. She had just introduced herself and the conversation is now at a standstill. She opened her mouth and then closed it after realizing that her wording wouldn't sound right.

I tried to figure out something to possibly extend the conversation.

"You were about to ask me about Marlowlia, right?"

She livened up and looked at me with excitement.

I began telling her how I first met Marlowlia. She didn't seem surprised that her sister got mugged by a bunch of people. Then I told her about the trip we took to get to Nautilus.

How we crossed Serenity mountain, the city lights of Mondlicht, and the Aeons we met on our journey.


She stared right at me, wanting me to respond.

I told her how we came across, the Aeons of Ember, Rejuvenation, Fear, Desire, Serenity, Dexterity, and Breakage.

Telling me to stop for a moment, she took a long deep breath before running to the bookshelf. She searched the shelves and grabbed a giant blue book.

Running back wheezing and coughing, trying to manage her breaths. She opened the book and showed me a page. It is a book about Aeons and the properties of that specific Aeon, the first page is about… the Aeon of Ember.

It says here "The Aeon of Ember is said to be one of the first Aeons to intertwine and interact with humans. It resided in strong-willed and powerful people with a strong sense of justice. It helped protect homes, create fires, and provide warmth to its users. One of the most popular and well-known users is the hero Hectima, who protected the people of Nautilus 200 years ago. When Hectima died 200 years ago, the Aeon of Ember went to find its next host. The current host of the Aeon of Ember is Viego, the prince of Fukviyu."

"Isn't that cool? How come you met all of these Aeons?" She asked.

I'm sort of hesitant about telling her that I'm an Aeon too. Does even Marlowlia know I'm an Aeon? She hasn't even seen me use my abilities before right? If it came out that I'm an Aeon, things could go really bad for me.

"I think I was just lucky, meeting 7 of them on a journey like that."

She continued reading more from the book.

Just meeting one Aeon is a rare occurrence, only happening once in a whole lifetime, maybe never.

She closed the book, looking at me, asking,

"Can you please introduce me to one Aeon? I wanna see one at least once in my life."

I nodded and reassured her that I would introduce an Aeon sometime in the future.

Smiling, she stopped moving. A brief moment went by without her saying anything. Waving my hand in front of her face didn't do anything. She is completely frozen. She fell face-first into the floor.


The maids came running down the corridor and asked what happened. I told them that I was just talking with Fiviana and then she passed out.

They carried her back into her bed and gave her a few injections and pills.

Wait, we were here in Nautilus due to Marlowlia needing help to cure her younger sister. So Fiviana is the little sister we are supposed to cure? If so, I just need to fetch Oslovi and bring it to Fiviana. Aylin had taken the cat to her room and I don't know where that is.

The maids ushered me out of her room and told me that I was free to roam the estate however I pleased.

Is Marlowlia still talking with her parents?

I want to regroup with Aylin and Marlowlia, but I don't know where they are. I should probably text Devina and check up with her.

Taking out my phone and going into the app she showed me, I started texting.

"Hey Devina, have anything big happened yet? You know, with the drugs."

After 20 seconds of waiting, I got a response.

"I haven't got my report from the three guys yet"

"Don't forget that we are supposed to meet up later at night alright?"

Texting back,


"Hey don't just write Ok, write something more bozo."


*Seen by Devina.*

She didn't respond after I wrote "why" for some reason, but I needed to meet up with her later at night. I could probably just send her a text later.

I sauntered down the long and wide corridor, hoping to find Aylin and Oslovi.

At the end of the corridor is a door that seems special from the other doors. It had a blue-white color to it. As I walked closer, I heard squabbling.

There is someone on the other side yelling at someone else. The voice came from a man who sounded deranged.

"How could you bring a convicted individual into our house?! Are you insane?"

"Father listen…"

That was Marlowlia's voice.

"I believe that he has the solution to curing Fiviana! He healed his missing arm like it was nothing."

"After hundreds of doctors, hundreds of prognoses, yet no cure. You think a criminal can cure your sister?"

"I know you don't feel okay with the situation with Fiviana, but there is nothing we can do. That criminal you brought in is probably just a scam artist."

There is a silent pause.

"I have already prepared the funeral arrangements."

"Please, dad! Just let Vivshi try to heal her, there is nothing wrong with just letting him to try cure her."

"What will you do if he is unable to cure her?"

Marlowlia's voice shrinks and she responds that she didn't know.

"If he is unable to cure Fiviana, I will turn him in to authorities. Understood?"

Marlowlia didn't say anything, she just stayed silent.

Footsteps came closer to the door. I tried to hide behind a piece of furniture.

Marlowlia came out, looking depressed. She then proceeded to head to the main hall.