Petals amongst flowers

The gardens the maids had so scrupulously tended for are now covered in goo reflecting the distant stars. The area around me mirrored the vast sky full of light.

The moon was now full and it shone brightly on us.

Mr. Fivindius lay there with his head slumped. Blood trickled out of every crevice of his body. His breathing was labored and uncontrollable. With every breath made he wheezed and squeezed to get in and exhale air.

There was this sanguinity in me, feeling like ecstasy, For the first time in my life I would free someone of everything and give them eternal freedom.

I stretched my arms out with my katana still in hand and started laughing maniacally.

I have finally reached this point!! THIS BODY IS AS GOOD AS MINE. I shall deliver freedom to all the filthy humans, starting with this filthy monkey.

I stopped laughing and looked quietly at Thrude's motionless body.

I pointed my weapon at him and charged up an attack. It would disintegrate his body when it touches him.

Marlowlia came running out and looked in terror at what I had done. Her garden was in ruins, her dad on the verge of death, her house in tatters and her whole property covered in black ink.

I threw my attack at Marlowlia, it hadn't been charged for long enough but it was still powerful enough to corrode someone's face off.

The viscous liquid landed on Marlowlia's face, and she frantically tried to wipe it off, but it kept eating away her face.

"You did this Thrude, you awaken me. Now I shall bring freedom to every human! Vivshi is such an obsequious vessel, I SHALL BE THE TRUE LORD."

The weapon had finally finished charging. I didn't hear anything from the girl I shot in the face anymore, she was probably liberated.

"Be free, Mr. Fivindius."

A bullet went straight into my head. In that split second, my hand was shot at, and the katana in my hand clattered to the ground.


Chains wrap around my body, like a snake constricting its prey. I quickly regenerate my brain which had been turned into mush by the bullet and look around. These chains were Sekito's, and weapons that could hurt me.


Devina stood by Marlowlia's unconscious body. She had gotten off the acid before it could corrode into her facial muscles.

Sekito came flying over the roof looking down at me.

I wanted to call out to Devina, that I needed help. But the voices in my head told me something else.

"First Marlowlia now them?! They are all going to betray you! Just let me handle it."

I didn't want to believe that everyone I knew betrayed me. There is always something more behind the action, right? There is always a reason for events.

I tried to get back into control and try coming back. But I couldn't.

"Vivshi, you are going to need my help. If you won't do it. I will do it for you."

The chains around my body rattled violently as my body pulsed.

*Bo, Bo, Bo, BOOM*

The chains were still kept intact. Sektio had activated her mark and sat watching.

"So the Aeon of Serenity."

Such vile nonsense, halting a being's movement, How more unsightly can you get?

*Bo, Bo, Bo, BOOOM*

In between the chains grew out small branches that intertwined with each other to form a tree. The leaves unraveled themselves and bloomed completely black leaves.

In the glimpse of my eye, I saw the glistening of yellow.

"And here we have the Aeon of Dexterity. I can't believe she used me for creating that blue meth."

Her Aeon of Dexterity had awakened but she just stood there watching me.

*Bo, Bo, Bo, BOOM*

The air became heavy, and Sekito and Devina got chills down their spines. Their bodies slowly contorted in trepidation, the fear of freedom, the fear of death.

I let out a piercing scream that echoed throughout the city of Nautilus. The Aeon of freedom created a black sphere around the whole Fivindius estate. Every tick made the hue darker.

On the last tick, complete silence. The whole area was now covered in darkness. Nothing could be seen or heard inside.

I had disintegrated everything in the vicinity. Marlowlia, Aylin, everyone is now gone.

How about that Vivshi? We helped some humans get freedom. I couldn't speak, I couldn't move, I couldn't feel. I have never felt so helpless in my life. Freedom had taken over my body to such an extent that it went berserk and killed everyone I knew.

Did I give them true liberation? Or did I just take their true liberation? I wanted to hit myself in the face. I didn't want any of this to have happened, but I couldn't do anything.

After the darkness had receded you could see what happened inside. The only thing you could find was my unconscious body still wrapped around golden chains with white markings on it. It was still pulsating the mark of freedom.

I'm alone, standing completely in solitude with nothing around me. I had destroyed everything. I couldn't control my freedom, so I took everyone else's freedom, such a disgusting human being I am.

I killed Aylin, Marlowlia, Devina, Sekito, all the maids, and the person I was supposed to save. My late sister, Emovi. My mother had secretly given birth after disappearing into the city, Devina fact-checked it. My mom took care of Emovi in the cities but soon died. Emovi was adopted into the royal family due to having the ability to see the true colors of humans. Meaning, she was a valuable asset to have while dealing with other nations, to see if they were plotting or lying.

Now that I have killed my last living family member, I didn't want to be here. I wanted to live free and I gave everyone freedom, but that took away my freedom.

So what is freedom?