Devina’s rituals ^^

Mmmhmm, this feels so good, do I really need to move? In a hotel bathroom, a luxurious soapy tub had been prepared for me. I have been soaking in these warm soft waters for like 10 minutes now.

My body's exhaust and thoughts washed away. I submerged my whole body except for my eyes. My long golden silky hair spread out like gold sparkles in the water.

Alright 5 more minutes just so the time becomes 18:10. 5 minutes had gone by and I was still inside the tub with my adult body. 2 more minutes quickly strolled by in moments of tranquility.

I moan out in pleasure as I soak myself for the last time before yelling "Disperse!" And walking outside the bathroom with a towel wrapped around me. The hotel room was quiet and empty. Silk woven chairs and goose feather stuffed pillows. I hop into my pajamas, jump into bed, and snuggle up against the soft pillows.

I sit up in my bed, staring out into the sunset. I put on the prepared slippers walk up against the glass door and slide it open. The breeze felt warm, the absolute setting sun of Nautilus. It is my home and the place where I wake up and sleep. I peered down at the city. The city had grown so big since I was born.

Being born into a middle-class family made me seek knowledge more than anything. Being born with extraordinary talents and the brain of a genius made that quest for knowledge much simpler. But there was one problem. The more I sought out and the more knowledge I consumed the more the hunger for it grew.

If Sekito wasn't there, I don't know how I would turn out. I would have still turned into the Aeon of Dexterity.

I always believed that a person's value is determined by the underlying desire for attention. The more a person seeks change and attention from another individual, the more value that person has for that other person.

Value doesn't exist in this world, there is no such thing as something is worth more than another thing. Sure, it would quench your desires for a temporary period but after that, it will be gone. Value doesn't exist, because everything will be gone one day. Either it is you parting ways with it, or it parting ways with you.

"Vivshi, I know what you will do. The consequences you will bring."

After having a long inhalation, and the fresh air filling my lungs, I went back into my bed. Checking my phone. But after 30 minutes, I realized I had to do something. I stopped to look outside once again, before putting on my jacket to leave.