Omi’s betrayal

There were hundreds of men around us. They all had guns and ammunition.

"We are ending our peace treaty."

"What!?" I outbursted.

"You know, those crystals that you sold to us, they were packing! People all over Nautilus and other countries wanted in on that shit!"

Dino stepped towards me.

"You are the supplier, right? If you work with us, you can come out here unscathed."

Omi gave me a side-eye. The warehouse that we were in was huge, there was another story and there were people with assault rifles pointed at us from above.

"You can't kill me though, without me, no money."

Dino burst out laughing, slamming his fists into a wall in laughter.

"Ahahaa, you tell the best jokes man. You know what, you are right! Killing you means I won't get any money. But there is a person that I could kill with no consequences."

Dino raised his hand into the air and everyone pointed their firearms at Omi.

"I will kill him and spare you, how about that?"

Was the freedom important? The freedom of Omi and his family. If Omi dies, his whole family will suffer. They die without reason, they live without freedom. But do I want to get roped into further conflict with these guys? Ughhh, Devina help me!

"I wi.."

I got cut off by Omi screaming at the top of his lungs.


Everyone in the room including me was crushed against the floor. The guns rattled as they were dropped. Some guys who still had a firm grip on their guns fired and chaos broke out in the warehouse.


Dino screamed at his men to stop shooting while being crushed against the floor, but his voice got muffled by the gunshots.

I saw Omi standing there shaken up, he turned around towards me and we made eye contact. There was a little blood coming out of the corner of his lips that he wiped.

There was something ominous about him, his body was acting weird. He was up to something. I would watch him as he approached me with a neutral expression. He crouched down and went up against my neck. I could feel his breathing upon my nape and I got chills down my spine.


???!? What did he mean?

The mark of Freedom appeared on my cheek and started spreading down my neck. No, not again, I won't let it take over, put every bit of strength I shoved my hand against my throat and strangled myself. The mark seemed to stop at my throat but as soon as I relaxed the flower's roots expanded rapidly.

I watched in agony as Omi took up the money from the floor and walked away.

"You damn bastard…"

Time ticked so slowly when I tried to restrain myself but as it went, my mind grew dark and my consciousness faded.