
The sounds of birds chirping in the distance and their wings flapping in the air. The sun's light shone into the small temple illuminating Aylin's nude body. I look down onto my sides and lift my hand in the air. I stare at my hand.

Will this help bring back those who had perished? Did I do the wrong thing? Should I have just accepted the future I was getting?

Chained to only a few options, how was this freedom? With everyone that I should have been protecting, now gone, am I not free? With their disintegration, I feel their soul on top of me, chained to my legs. Their weight drags me down as burdens. I couldn't live free like that.

The mark of freedom glowed on my cheek. ?!?…

Aylin woke up and nudged my arm. Tiredly stretching out her sore muscles. She yawns and hugs me from the side.

"I love you Vivshi."

I stare at the ceiling.

"I love you too."

Aylin puts on her clothes and tells me to join up with her. We walk outside together and she stands there with her hands grasped together.

"Aufwachen, acclimate!"

The face shined the colors of cherry blossoms. I feel a soft breeze caressing around my body. I hear the jingles of bells and I close my eyes. I pray.

My eyes are lured out by the light hitting on my eyelids. The light of Nautilus burns an image into my brain. The once glorious shore landscapes of Nautilus had returned. The holes that sunk into the earth and swallowed up anything that went too near the edge had been patched up.

The infrastructure of the city had been reconstructed and remade. Those who had fallen during the fight had been revived and their bodies were scattered across the streets. I hastily grabbed Aylin's hand and dragged her into the city. My eyes scrutinized every single person sleeping on the streets. The faces of my friends weren't there. Where are they?

I scoured the whole city to no avail. We came across Devina's and Sekito's house and entered. No one was inside, it was completely quiet and clean. The fish were bobbing around in the water happily as if they knew they had been revived.

Walking out with Aylin holding my hand, she asked me if I was okay.

"Aylin, where… where did they go? everything in the city should have been reverted."

"I'm sorry Vivshi, I don't know…"

I told Aylin to stay at the house for a bit while I got some alone time. I had been depending on my friends too much and this is what happened. They are all gone now.

Sitting by the coast, grass swaying with the warm winds. The sunset going down, while I sat there listening to the crashing waves. I watched as droves of birds flocked the sky, spreading their wings.

Is that you Emovi? Are you soaring through the sky now? I chuckled before lying down on the grass. A tear ran down my temple and fused with the ground. I wiped it off, but one more came. I repeatedly tried to get them off my face but they wouldn't disappear. I lay there for hours, waiting for the sunset, I heard footsteps approaching through the grasslands. I tilt my head back to see Aylin walking up towards me. She sat down on her knees and lifted my head upon her thighs.

She then gently stroked my midnight strands. Putting her warm hands against my wet and red cheeks she placed her head against my forehead and told me that everything was going to be okay. With her small and thin arms around my head and her head against mine, she comforted me throughout the night, as I lay there mourning.

The next day I decided to go to the underground and shut off the drug trade. Because with Emovi and the rest gone, there was no need to continue making drugs and convince Zestörer to revoke the curse from killing Emovi. I got to the underground city where the three men we had hired to distribute our methamphetamine stood there awaiting my orders.

"Anything today boss?"

"No, we are shutting as of today."

The man in the stupid hat had an outburst. After all that money we made, after finally getting our name and colors across the world, you decide to shut down?

The other men shoved his shoulder and told him to shut up.

"We made enough money already, take your share, and as of today forward, our encounter never happened."

The men looked down in disbelief, one shook their head and the other one sat down on the ground hunched over with his head tilted. I planned on using the money I had earned from the drugs to buy a house for me and Aylin to live in, get nice stuff, and live a peaceful life. I went to Devina's house one last time.

It was nostalgic, I opened the bathroom door, Sekito should have been sitting here, forgetting to lock the door. Next to the bathroom is the magic door to the lab. I opened it, the scent of the sea filled my nose and dried it with salt. I stepped onto the floating lab and looked around all the equipment. The flasks, the machinery, the chemicals, I dragged my hand across the giant chemical boiler while looking straight at the door. Methylamine container and the styrofoam in the cardboard box. Walking into the bedroom restroom, I sat down on the bed.

"It has been a long week hasn't it Devina?"