Ride buddies

The world seemed quiet, my body felt relaxed, and my mind was calm. I slowly open my heavy eyelids and see a white roof. It felt like I was being moved somewhere. I sat up looking around, strangers were staring at me. Where was Aylin? I scanned amongst the people and saw her peacefully sleeping upright next to a girl with a big black mage hat. The atmosphere was quiet and calm, one of them smiled at me as I was waking up. A big guy in armor grunted as he looked at me with distrust through his helmet. Even though I couldn't see his eyes, I could sense the gaze burning through my body.

The people around us had weapons but they didn't seem hostile. The muscular man in steel armor that covered his body head to toe told me that they found us just lying in the desert unconscious, so they decided to pick us up before any desert worms ate us. There were 5 of them, and we were in some sort of carriage heading for somewhere. There was the mage with short bluish dark hair, she was holding onto her staff observing me intently. She wore a long blue-white dress with patches on it. Two fighters that seemed too young to be out here and a healer who somewhat resembled an angel, with blonde hair, silver accessories all over her body, and a white gown that looked like she was from some church. I asked what they were doing out in the middle of nowhere in the desert, but they returned the question to me. I answered that I was on a journey but I didn't tell them more than that. 

They returned the favour by telling me about their occupation, they were adventurers, going around clearing dungeons. There was a dungeon that opened up near Dragonspine, so they decided to head out to check it out for themselves.

"So, what is a dungeon exactly?" I asked.

One of the fighters opened his mouth and asked me if I didn't really know what dungeons were. He had a shocked expression written all over his face, the healer smacked his head and apologized for his rudeness. She answered that dungeons are underground sanctuaries for monsters like those desert worms. Inside those dungeons are loxes, simplified it is magic. 

I remember last time Devina was explaining what loxes was, while I was eating ice cream. It is something that exists throughout the world, but normal humans can't harness its full power. Only a few selected individuals were lucky enough to handle loxes. Apparently, we Aeons channel loxes through our Aeons, this in turn amplifies the output of our abilities. But I was still curious if there was ever a human capable of surpassing the realms of Aeons without being an Aeon themselves.

"So it is possible for humans to become stronger than Aeons?"

"Aeons? Impossible impossible, their lox control is out of the world, even if we humans would clear every single dungeon, we wouldn't be able to compete with Aeons still." 

The big guy elaborated further that they don't clear these dungeons to compete with Aeons but to gain power to defend themselves, and of course become stronger.

The young warrior spoke out again in an excited tone whilst rubbing his low-quality sword. He spoke of dreams, and the yearning for strength, he told me about this tournament in Dragonspine. Fighters from all over the world gather here once in a decade to prove their worthiness to the mayor of Dragonspine. Year after year fighters have been denied, and rumors say that those who manage to prove themselves get a mythical gift.

The warrior's eyes brimmed with excitement whilst telling me about it. 

"Soo, there was this dungeon 500 years ago here in Dragonspine, and no human could conquer it, but one day, the Hero Hectima came, and cleared it. As a parting gift, he gave the ancient item to the mayor of Dragonspine. The mayor of Dragonspine says he can no longer hold on to such an item and he will select a worthy candidate to pass it down to."

My interest was piqued as I learned more about the mayor, I lowered my guard and leaned forward while crossing my arms. 

"Who is this mayor of Dragonspine?"

The warrior, with his lack of knowledge of the world, couldn't answer my question, he looked down at his side and poked the girl next to him. 

The blonde-haired girl cleared her throat before telling me that the Mayor was previously a hunter. The information about him was very limited and the girl apologized for not being able to say anything else than that he was a hunter, that hunted Dragons.

A voice was heard from inside the helmet as a manly voice spoke out. I jumped, forgetting that he was there the whole time. 

"From what I have heard, the mayor is a man endorsed in silver. He is rarely seen in public, but he has the approval of everyone in the city, even though when most of the citizens have never seen his face."

That was weird, a leader who had the support of not only the majority but every individual from the city. There is no way you could believe that right? There must be some people who want to rebel, wanting another person to lead their city. I got sceptical of this mayor but then I remembered, the man who I saw in the desert. The flashing trail of gray, the silver pin embedded in my chest. Clutching my chest I tried to feel my heartbeat, I remembered the fight with Fear. Memories started to flow forth as I remember Aylin being choked. My head getting decapitated, the silverine aura coating my body. THE SILVER! I closed my eyes trying to immerse myself in the sensories I felt during the fight. My body started to shake, the big guy was ready to pounce on me, but before he lifted his arm towards me, the girl came to my comfort. 

"What happened? Are you okay?" she nudged my shoulders trying to shake me out of it. Whilst facing me, she faced her palm against my body and recited some language I didn't understand, suddenly there was this green glittery shine around my body. 

I opened my eyes, reemerging into reality, even looking deep inside my own body, I couldn't find the source of my power, that silver pin was no longer inside my body. It seemed like I had expended all of its energy and it had broken. I sighed and looked at the people around me in disappointment.

"Now now Dad, calm down." 

She slowly patted her dad's shoulder trying to get him to calm down.


Both the guys slowly twisted their faces towards the girl, before twisting their heads back towards the man in armor, trying to compare them.

"Alicia, so you are telling me, for these 4 months we have been travelling together, HE WAS YOUR DAD THIS WHOLE TIME?"

Alicia held her hand up against her mouth before softly giggling, didn't I tell you that before?

Both the guy raised their hands with their fingers straight yelling that she never did tell them.

Putting my hand up against my mouth I made a slight cough, diverting their attention.

"So what is this mythical item he is offering to the worthy one?"

The warrior answered immediately that the public had no clue what the weapon was, it was never specialized by the mayor what it was.

"So what if it is an evil item that can no longer be contained and he wants to get rid of it?"

The warrior's smile faded. 

"Well, I do hope it is something extravagant and benevolent."

I sighed and looked out of the carriage, seeing the endless desert, and the dirt trails of the carriage. 

"So where are we even heading to?"

The healer spoke again and told me that they were headed back to their place in Dragonspine to prepare for the dungeons.

Dragonspine? Perfect! 

"Thanks for letting us hitch a ride!"

The healer smiled at me and told me it was no worries. The mage sitting next to Aylin, had Aylin sleeping up against her shoulder, drooling on her clothes. The fuze inside the mage had gone out and she exploded.

"Why do I gotta sit next to this sleepy girl!? Why is she all over me like a cat!?" 

The big guy told her to relax, she pouted and asked to switch places with the big guy. In the end, she was stuck with Aylin pressed up against her. 

The healer asked what our names were, I told them fake names and she smiled and started to introduce her team. My name is Alicia, I am this party's healer, these are our warriors, Sett and Bronk they smiled and flexed their biceps, the big guy, Steve crossed his arms and smiled, and lastly our mage, Roxy. Roxy started pouting and twitched her face in annoyance. 


Alicia calmly told her it was 4 hours left until we arrived, and Roxy's expression fell dead, she became limp and leaned towards Aylin, both of them now dead. 

"When we found you in the desert, there were massive craters all over the place, and this massive line, they went on and on for as far the eye could see. What happened there in the desert?" Alicia asked.

"I got into a small skirmish with a desert worm…"

"A desert worm?"

Steve stared at me, with doubt in his eye, but he didn't say anything. Alicia asked me if we were planning to do anything in Dragonspine. I answered again that I was on a journey but this time I added that I was here to find family.

"Family…" She rubbed her cheek and seemed to reminisce about old memories. 

"I sincerely hope that you find them."

I smiled and thanked her. It was nearing nighttime and the sun had gone down. We decided to stop and make camp at a cave, they tied up the horses and fed them hay. I watched as Alicia tended to the fire with gentleness. There was such a calming aura around her. The mage sat by the cave all huddled up reading a scripture. While Aylin was sleeping soundly in the carriage. Steve set up camp for all of us and we all sat around the campfire.

How many days do I have left to save Emovi? Weeks? Days? I don't know anymore, but I can still sense her alive! I need to hurry up. 

Alicia started telling stories about the Aeons, and how magnificent they were. She described in detail the story behind the Aeonic wars. It was honestly a memorable story, and I enjoyed her storytelling. We said our goodnights and went to sleep, one of the warriors stayed up to keep the fire alive and to stay as a night guard. 

I had my eyes closed, I could still hear the sounds of the crackling fire nearby. I heard someone zipping down the tent I was in. It was Steve, he told me to come out, and have a private chat. 

We went a little bit off camp and he suddenly stopped. He was towering over me, he was probably double my height and eight times my weight. He looked down on me.

"I have spent decades on the battlefield, I know a warrior when I see one. Reveal your true identity."

I took a step back and readied myself for anything to come.

"Are you planning to ambush us while we were sleeping?"

I stayed quiet.


There was no point in hiding it anymore, he already knew that there was something wrong with me. What if I just lie and say I am a traveller seeking strong opponents? That could maybe work because Sett told me earlier that strong warriors gather here in Dragonspine, and then the mark on my cheek activated. Ah, I thought of lying… that is a no-no, really flower?

Steve put his hand on his hammer as he saw the mark on my cheek emerge.

"AN AEON? What in the world… is an Aeon doing here… IDENTIFY YOURSELF!"

He braced himself and pointed his weapon at me.

I didn't want things to come to this, but if he threatened me, then I had no choice but to fight and defend my life. 

"I am Vivshi, the Aeon of Freedom."