
Devina leaned back on her chair before taking a long sip of some juice.

She closed her eyes before placing her arms on the armrests.

"So? What do you wanna know?"

"What were those dragons?"

She basically summarized what they were beings that dominated Dragonspine for centuries until one day. The commander in chief for the dragons Wolte, ripped off the head of a little girl.

That girl was no ordinary girl, she was a dragon hunter who specialized in eliminating dragons. But unfortunately, they got caught by an ambush and the city was massacred by dragons.

Witnessing this horrific event, the man we know today as the Silver Saint, swore on the name of his sister he would avenge her. Therefore day after day, he would train and kill dragons. He was weak at first, losing all battles against the dragons, but after losing over and over again he managed to win. 

After years of killing dragons, he managed to come up with the silver merging technique. Dragons have a very lox-rich body, therefore it is much easier to locate them, but this means also silver merging is super effective on them. 

Eventually, the Saint fought the generals of the dragon army and eventually the Dragon monarch. The Saint took on all the responsibilities. He was a one-man army against the army. But he didn't lose, the Dragon monarch got slain and the body is now used for this city. 

The remnants of the dragon army dispersed across the world fearing the name of the Silver Saint. 

"But if he slayed the Dragon monarch who was the girl with wings?"

"It is his daughter."

"Is she gonna interfere with us again?"

"Probably not, she is most likely getting chased down by Saint right now."

But I wonder, what were they doing in Dragonspine when they knew the Silver Saint was here?

"Why were they here then?"

Devina remained quiet for a bit hesitanting to tell me or not.

She snapped her neck and popped her finger joints before telling me that something bad just happened.

That the Aeon of Guilt had finally decided to take action.

"What course of action?"

Devina stood up from her chair and told me that it was enough chit-chat. She told me to ask her all that after we were done with this. 

We waited for Aylin to return, she gave us some food and hugged me. Telling me that she was glad to see me okay. Oslovi jumped onto my head and started nesting on it. 

"Well then, the group is all here and we accomplished everything we needed, let's go home!"

With a whoosh, I would never be used to teleporting, it was always weird for me. Back in Devina's house, Devina told us what the plan was.

Firstly Sekito would be bait. These chains I had would be placed onto her and restrain her. Aylin would be there for backup if anything went south and Devina would be the brains of the interaction making sure everything would flow smoothly. 

Devina grabbed Oslovi off my head and it started scratching her, before hissing. This will be our trump card if things go to plan B.


She explained that she would attach Olsovi to my back. If I received any damage it would heal up faster. Even with the Aeon of Freedom's regeneration, it would be too slow but if we use Oslovi, it would be fast enough to heal the wounds I receive.

Devina asked once more if everyone understood the plan and everyone agreed.

Listening to Devina's talk, it seemed like she was 100% certain that this plan would succeed but I wasn't so sure things would flow so smoothly. I was no genius like Devina but I had a gut feeling that things would go south.

But nonetheless I had nothing better than her plan so I just had to go through with it. 

Emovi was lying in bed. She was unconscious, 3 days had passed, and Devina had prepared everything for this day. I took a final good look at my little sister. I gave her a pat on the head. She was warm, she had the same blood running through her veins as me. Being the only family I had left. If I lost yet another battle it would mean I couldn't protect the freedom of my family. The mark of freedom appeared on my cheek, I tried to force a fake smile trying to encourage myself that everything would turn out alright.

Grabbing onto her warm hand I promised that I wouldn't lose another one.