Trick or Treat! (Halloween)

Fiviana and Emovi have dressed up for October 31! The day has finally come, for the spooky day. 

"Hey, Emovi! Help me wrap this around me!"

Emovi took the toilet paper and asked Fiviana to spin around like a ballerina. 


They giggled looking at each other's outfits. Emovi had put on a witch hat and dressed up as an evil witch as for Fiviana she has mummified herself and has become an ancient mummy.

Both of them were exhilarated, starting hopping around being all excited to go trick or treating.

"I wonder what type of candy we will get!"

Fiviana giggled, before saying that she had brought something special just in case~

"What do you have?"

"You will see." 

It was a cold night, the streetlights were dim as they sauntered down the streets. They could see other children trick or treating at different houses.

They decided on the first house they would go trick or treat at. It was a giant mansion with beautiful decor and pumpkins on the doorstep.

They knocked on the door and after a few seconds, Marlowlia opened the door.

"Trick or treat!"

Marlowlia shyly reached out to her Halloween basket full of candy and told them to grab what they wanted.

Oslovi jumped from behind up onto the perch scaring both of them.

Marlowlia immediately closed the door after getting jumpscared and dropped the basket on the ground.


"What do we do?"

Emovi started to scoop up the candy, refilling the basket with the dropped candy and neatly put it back onto the doorstep.

They patted the cat and continued to the next house.

This time it was a smaller house with two small pumpkins on the doorstep. 

Knocking on the door, they waited for a moment or so. 

"I guess no one is home."

Emovi turned around but as she started to walk away the door slowly slid open just for a little crack.

Fiviana cheerfully said trick or treat, a female voice that sounded odd said that should wait for a little bit.

The door closed and after a few seconds, the door reopened. It was Aylin and Vivshi behind the door!

"Hey, brother! What are you doing here?"

Vivshi struggled to answer but randomly spewed out that he was just over to play something. Aylin handed the girls some candy bars before smiling. Aylin and Vivshi seemed to be panting a lot and they looked kinda red and flushed.

"Are you okay?" Fiviana asked. 

Aylin jumped from the question and vehemently reassured that everything was okay. 

"Yup! Nothing is wrong!"

"Okay! Bye-bye, Vivshi!"

Aylin and Vivshi waved at us before closing the door. Then we started to hear stuff falling behind the door but we just decided to move on to the next house.

We came across another fancy mansion but it had no Halloween decorations but we decided to knock anyway.

When the door slammed open a flamboyant man stood by the doorstep. Orange fiery hair and a strong gaze stared at us. 

"Trick or treat?" We both nervously asked.

Viego pondered for a second and told them to wait for a moment before returning with 2 protein bars. He handed each one of us a protein before closing the door.

"What a douche, what is this? It isn't even candy?"

"Stupid yuck!"

"Let's play a trick on him!"

Fiviana giggled before pulling out washable paint from her bag.

She smeared some paint onto his door and we ran quickly away.

We laughed as we ran into the night. 

Next house…

It was a gloomy house with barely any lights. It looked like a graveyard but we decided to knock anyway.

The door opened with a tall mean-looking man asking what we wanted.

"Trick or treat?"

Fear's eyes went blank as he thought.

"Oh right.. it is that day when kids go ask for candy."

He told us to wait a bit whilst he walked back into his house closing his door on us.

Opening the door he gave us some gloomy-looking candy that looked like it was poisonous.

"Happy Halloween sir!" We both said in unison.

The man had the same expression the whole way and without saying anything he closed the door.

"What a weird man… Fiviana do you think this is safe to eat?"

"You try it first, I don't wanna get poisoned."

Emovi popped some of the weird-looking candy into her mouth and realized it wasn't that bad. Fiviana seeing her reaction decided to test it out for herself and saw that it wasn't bad at all.

"Let's move on!"

We came to a two-story house and knocked on the door. But no one opened the door. I knocked again and finally, after 2 minutes of waiting the door finally opened.

A woman rubbing her eyes looking drunk opened the door and asked what they wanted. She was half awake and her shirt had almost fallen off her.

As she reached for her candy bag, she fell onto the ground and we saw another girl walk up to us. Devina took up the candy basket on the table next to the door and gave us a generous amount of rolled-up candy. 

We then saw her drag Sekito's drunk half-naked body into another room.


"Happy Halloween girls!"

We closed the door and stared at each other for a moment.

At the next house we knocked on, we heard the sound of music and people. A tall muscular man opened the door, and behind him was a crowd of people dancing and singing.

"You want some candy?"

We both nodded, and he ushered us inside. We tried to refuse but he reassured us it was alright. The people inside became quiet as Zerstörer introduced us.

"The music continued as the crowd went silent."

"Alright! For the candy, you gotta sing and dance to this song!"

Zerstörer put on a new song and gave Fiviana and Emovi microphones.

The crowd repeatedly called out our names!

The music started to roll as we saw the lyrics on the screen. 

As I struggled to follow up with the lyrics, I turned my head in awe seeing Emovi singing it perfectly. She was dancing around like a princess, keeping up with the music.


Zerstörer clapped with the rhythm as the crowd cheered on her while she sang and danced. 

The song finally ended and everyone went ballistic, they carried her up and threw her around the air, catching her.

She was like an idol, but Zerstörer told the crowd to put her down. As a reward, he rewarded us with two bags full of expensive candy. 

"Fiviana… doesn't this cost like 200 livis?"

"My dad usually buys this type of candy, it isn't that expensive."

"Rich people…" Emovi sighed.

We continued down the streets and found a house with super cool Halloween decorations. There were Halloween lights all over the house with skeletons hanging from the trees.

Immediately we ran to that house and knocked on the door. Opening almost immediately as if he was waiting for someone. Allegrano was ready with his basket of candy.

"Trick or treat!"

He handed us some Ferrero rochers and told us to have a happy Halloween.

"You too!"

"That was quick…"


Fiviana and Emovi walked down the street opening the candy before taking a bite. Thinking it was some delicious chocolate candy they immediately wanted to eat it before it melted.

But they immediately spat it back out.

"YUCK! This tastes like brussel sprouts!"

They both looked inside and under the street lights, they saw it were greens inside the chocolate.

Emovi continued to spit it out while Fivianas eyes got fueled with vengeance.

She walked up towards the house we were at and started to rummage through her bag.

"How would you like this…"

But as she was walking up towards the door to smear the paint on the door, she tripped and fell backwards on the stairs. 

She made an oof sound as she hit the floor with paint all over her face. Through the window, I could see the green-haired man laughing his ass off while looking at us.

On the stairs up towards his house, he had put something slippery on the steps to make sure anyone who wanted revenge would trip and fall.

Fiviana stood back up immediately and angrily stormed off towards the next house.

"Hey wait up!"

We arrived at the next house. It was a dark gloomy house just like the house we were in earlier. 

Fiviana still angry knocked on the door more aggressively but no one answered. Even after a few minutes of waiting we decided to step back. But having been humiliated earlier, Fiviana took out some toilet paper from her bag.

She quietly mumbled to herself.

"I take it as a trick…" over and over.

She handed me a roll of toilet paper and told me to help her with it. Hesitantly I threw the toilet paper onto the rooftop of the house. We had emptied Fiviana's whole bag which contained like 10 rolls of toilet paper, but on the very last rolls of paper. We heard the doorknob rattle aggressively before a man stormed out of the house, chasing after us.

We both ran for our lives as the man had a sword in his hand. He released his dogs at us and we continued to run for our lives crying while laughing.

Somehow we managed to outrun the dogs but as we thought we were in the clear. Two police officers appeared in front of us.

"We got a report of two girls TPing a house."

"Don't tell me it was you guys?"

Emovi nervously side-eyed Fiviana.

"Nope, it was definitely not us!"

The man who had been chasing us earlier finally caught up with us and pointed his sword at us.


The police officers held up their firearms at Guilt before telling him to again put his weapon down.

"Those children threw toilet paper on my house! I was the one who called!"

We both looked at each other, knowing we were cooked when we got home.

The police officers gave each other a nod before telling the man they would handle it. The man finally went back to his house and the police officers forced us into their police car. 



We both hugged each other.

"If you live your ass whooping, please contact me. If I don't respond, can you please put good music at my funeral?"

Fiviana nodded but then gave Emovi a suspicious look. 

"You only have your brother though… you won't get an ass whooping."

Emovi put her hand on Fiviana's shoulder and smiled.

"Good luck little one."