Contracts of Divinity

The sounds of gunfire and screaming rang inside my skull slowly causing my eyes to awaken. 

An explosion close proximity went off. I looked around and saw Aylin sitting in front of me with Emovi next to her sleeping. 

What had happened while I was gone? Soft moans came from Emovi as she stretched her body. Aylin tapped her shoulder and pointed at me.

Emovi… was cured.

I reached out with my hand to touch her cheek. But as soon as I did the windows of the building we were in shattered. Scattering glass all over the place. 

Shockwaves from a bomb caused the glass to break. I rushed towards the window and peered out into the once-beautiful coastal city of Nautilus.

Everything was burning. Buildings were set ablaze, people were being slain on the streets.

"What is happening…"

Aylin shook her head. She said that a few hours after Devina vanished, Nautlian people revolted against the current government. The underground people also caused an upheaval, running rampant onto the streets.


Every building was slowly getting burned. The more I scrutinized the more I saw dead bodies. 

"The Fivindius Estate… Can you teleport us there quickly?"

Without asking she teleported all of us to the estate. As guessed, it was completely charred. 

"I hope Marlowlia and Fiviana are safe…"

Emovi who wasn't aware of anything, looked terrified. Her head was constantly shaking as they rigidly moved side to side. Aylin held onto her hand reassuring her that everything would be alright. Oslovi rubbed her leg trying to console her. 

I then heard screaming nearby, I ran over and saw Marlowlia hovering over someone. 


Upon closer inspection, her father who was a right-wing activist was one of the many targets targeted by the rebels. 

Her father's dead body lay there in front of her. Marlowlia didn't say anything, she didn't move. Her fists curled up as she turned her back on her father.

"Marlowlia… are you okay?"

One look and I could feel how heavy her eyelids were. How hard she was trying to contain her emotions and stay rational.

"Why is this happening to our city?"

But as she stood there trying to understand why atrocities could be committed in Nautilus. Her hometown, where she lived for 17 years. 

She knew, ever since the Hanao incident that bad things happen, but she never thought that such a tragedy could befall her home.

Lagging in thought, she was frozen. And as the daughter of a right-wing activist, she was also a main target. But as I finally understood that, it was too late. A bullet came flying at her.


It hit her in the shoulder. Blood dripped down her blue dress as she pressed her hand against the wound and looked at it. It was so quick that she couldn't fully register the pain.

I grabbed Marlowlia's hand and tried to drag her away from the scene. But she stood still as a boulder not budging from her spot. She stared intensively at her father's corpse. 

"Marlowlia we need to get out of here!"

My hand sprung back as I felt a slap across the back of my hand.

"Fiviana and my mom are still out there."

Marlowlia took a step forward. Towards the burning mansion she once lived in. 

"Aylin can you locate and teleport Fiviana here?"

"Let me try."

"I wish for location transfer."

"It says she is unable to accept transfers, it means she is either unconscious or saying no with purpose."

Men with rifles aimed the weapons against Marlowlia. It was hopeless, I had used up all of my energy and my flower was exhausted.

But then out of nowhere, a big man shoved the men into the ground. He lifted his sunglasses and spat on the men.


He ignored me and continued further into the city taking down the rebels one by one without his flower. Using his pure strength he was defending his city. 

Up in the sky, I saw a familiar figure, Viego standing there in the sky. With a blazing aura around his body. 

"Wait a second… is he using his acclimation?"

Hundreds of swords descended from the heavens and pierced those who threatened the city of Nautilus.

It was so weird seeing someone who destroyed a city trying to preserve it. Why were Zerstörer and Viego actively trying to defend Nautilus? Wasn't those insurgents from the underground under Zerstörer?


Holding my head I wobbled back and forth trying to regain my footing.

"Allegrano? Devina?"


Devina's old memories rushed into my brain as I saw her write the contract with Allegrano.

The price of saving Marlowlia… causing an insurgency. Allegrano wanted Devina to reshape the foundation of Nautilus. He wanted Nautilus to be ready for war. The current government was too lax and wasn't ready enough. This entire time, Allegrano was preparing for war but against who?

The memory told me nothing about the belligerents. But there is one clear thing. Devina was willing to sacrifice both her own life and her city to protect us. Now was that worth it Devina? Look at the consequences of your actions, why would you go through with a contract like that?

"That's quite enough Prince."

A man with green hair in an elegant suit walked towards Viego with his hands behind his back. 

"Isn't this truly beautiful? Flames amidst the tears of Serenity?"

The green man bowed towards the Prince showing respect for his status.


The air felt heavy all of a sudden it was as if my lungs were about to collapse. 

Viego fell out of the air and landed in front of the green-haired man.

"Aeon of Joy, what pleasure does it bring you to destroy this city!?" Viego burst out whilst slowly getting back onto his feet.

"I was born here, I simply want for the conservation of this city I cherish."

"You sadistic freak."

"I won't let you interrupt my plans. I WILL save this city, even if it means sacrificing some people."

The sounds of coughing could be heard in the distance as Fiviana who had experienced this pressure woke up immediately.

She brushed off some rubble off her head and limped towards Marlowlia who still stood close to her parent's corpses.

"Sis…" she said holding her left arm.

When Fiviana finally reached Marlowlia she asked what was happening. But as Fiviana followed Marlowlia's gaze, she immediately fell into her sister's arms. 

"Fiviana, I will protect you no matter what."

Fiviana was silently sobbing in her sister's arms but then something miraculous happened. Marlowlia's cheek lit up light blue. 

Another flower had been born. Once an Aeon dies another one is born. 

The talisman of Conservation lay in between Marlowlia's fingers. The Aeon of Conservation had been born to preserve what she had left.