Chapter 5 : The Debate

As they go deeper into Janou, the humans begin to see things they have never seen before. They passed a small mushroom-like land, full of smells, funky, sweet, sour, and spicy. They passed the land of MUNJIs, small birds that glowed a bright blue.

Then after a week and a half of traveling they finally decided to settle down.

The new place which they called home was like a hidden treasure. The way to it was through a large labyrinth of cave systems. The only way to navigate through it was to understand the movement of animals who crossed the cave before.

Inside this cave, a spacious room, a light source from above them, a hole that caved into the mountain 700 feet above. Despite being so remote, there was vegetation, lots of vegetation, billions of years worth. Overgrown nearly to the top of the hole of the cave, the system inside was completely its own, the fruits grew bigger, the animals here were stronger and more intelligent like dogs.

Quickly the people begin to form a relationship with them, one really useful kind of animal which no-one had ever seen before, not even the Nellmians, were the Selts. They had 2 wings and four legs and were about the size of a horse; they only ate the fruits of this remote place, of which Totue named SIONI, a word for paradise.

After settling down in this peaceful place, many people begin to question whether it was necessary for a warrior crew.

Kai Te: Totue, I beg of you, we don't need to put any more lives at risk. There is never a need for violence when there is enough for everyone!

NIkaaw: That's just it father! There is a reason to put our life at risk, look around you, look at the happiness in all of your faces, have you forgotten already?! Just 4 weeks ago we lost many that we cared for, we lost Garris! Jason! Fipuno! All these people are not here today because we never had a warrior crew. Is it right to say that in the future some of us may not have the opportunity to feel this happiness right now, because of our incompetence to face the Fritz?

Binae: Nikaaw's right. We have something to protect, we always had, even before these ungrateful humans came.

Nam: Why are you always acting like we humans bring problems with us?

Binae: You got something to say to me boy? (Binae making himself look bigger).

Nam: Yeah, you're a filthy Nellmian!

Dekod: Enough! Binae, back off, this is not how a warrior acts to their fellow comrades.

Binae scoffs and backs down.

Dekod: I believe you said Totue, that you would respect any decision made when you casted the votes.

Totue: I did.

Dekod: Then you must stand on your words.

Totue:(trying to come up with a reason to not fight) No, you're right, as a leader I must respect the wants of my people.

Genny: Totue-

Totue: No genny, I should've told you when we first held our peace agreement. We were not always the peaceful race you seen us as we wer-

Dekod: We were the Warriors of Janou, before the land of peace there was the land of chaos. We fought through that chaos to gain our peace, we will fight again to do it. If you are uncontent then leave.

Genny: I'm warning you, you may think you're big now, but the Fritz holds much more power than you think. Even though Tonqui was wrong for what he did, he had reasons! The Fritzs are grudge holders, war loving monsters, I should know, I fought against them on earth and on Xima.

Dekod: I think you are just too scared of them, they scared you to this cowardly like person, you should've never been a leader in the first plac-

Nam: (lunges at Dekod) Don't you dare say-

Binae pushes him back on the floor, his foot on Nam's head.

Dekod: When my husband died, he only appointed you, Totue as the next leader, because I was pregnant with Binae, he didn't want to burden me with the pain of childbirth and ruling of a kingdom. But he should've never, with you as leader, our warrior forces were disbanded, hundreds left our kingdom because they were scared of an event like this.

Totue: That's not true

Dekod: But it is, even so, I believe that you should remain leader of the humans and Nellmian society, we are too far gone to regain our former Nellmian glory. But my first step is to build back our army. As the leader of the ANUAVA clan it makes me the commander of the warrior crew. While you stay here and rebuild our new home, I will gather back the lost forces, rebuild our relations with the former generals and then we can attack the fritz. Basically Totue, you need to keep these people comfortable and happy, and I'll keep them safe.

TOtue: That was my intention.

Molkxe'ia: You are far too lenient Totue. How do we know you have our best interest in mind Dekod? You're husband put us in danger many times and the only way he pulled out of it was because of his knowledge of Janou, you who's been sitting all comfortable in that house of yours never truly experienced whats it like to be stabbed by a raging Gaobolo or pierced by the claws of a Bal'uk beast. Why should we trust you?

BInae is visibly angry.

Dekod: You're right there is no reason to trust me, a Nellmian woman's place is not to rule but to nurture and give. But I'm not a regular Nellmian, I am from the blood of the royal Anuava, the last surviving true blood, I am the only one who is able to mend the connections we once had.

Nam and the others get out of the room as Dekod continues speaking to the higher ups.

Eiziel: What are you gonna do?

Nam: What do you guys want to do?

Quin: Nam, I know I'm going against you here but I want to fight, we can't just let Dereck and Ang's death be in vain.

Londa: She's right, those Fritz messed up big time.

Nam: And you jamie?

Jamie does not answer, but it is clear she agrees with fighting.