As Bob and Samantha sit under the tree, the tension between them is palpable. Bob fidgets with his hands, desperately searching for the right words to express himself, while Samantha gazes off into the distance, lost in her thoughts.
Finally, Bob takes a deep breath and gathers the courage to confess his feelings to Samantha.
Bob: (nervously fidgeting with his hands) There's something I need to tell you, Samantha. I know I haven't always been the best to you, but the truth is, I have feelings for you. It's just that fear held me back from showing them, especially at your party.
Samantha: (wide-eyed and perplexed) What are you talking about, Bob?
Bob: (taking a deep breath) You know how they say, "When two people love each other, they act like they hate each other"? Well, that's what I've been doing. I didn't know how to express my feelings for you.
Samantha is momentarily speechless, trying to process Bob's confession, before she finally responds.
Samantha: (pausing for a moment) Bob, I'm not sure what to say. I enjoy our friendship, but I don't share the same romantic feelings. You're playful and immature, and we just don't align in that way. How can we have a meaningful relationship if you don't grow up?
Bob's heart sinks, and tears start welling up in his eyes. He had been harboring these feelings for so long, only to have them rejected in such a blunt manner.
Bob: (face falling, tears welling up) I thought you could look past all of that and love me for who I am.
Samantha: (attempting to apologize) Bob, I didn't mean...
Bob: (interrupting, his voice choked with emotion) I already know, Samantha. I overheard everything. I placed recorders in your room, and I heard every word you said about me.
Samantha: (shocked and angry) How could you invade my privacy like that, Bob? You've caused so many problems, and now this? It's all your fault!
Bob: (rising to his feet, his voice trembling with emotion) No, Samantha. I may have made mistakes, but this isn't solely my fault. You're just as responsible as I am.
Samantha: (trying to protest)
Bob: (firmly) I'm going to leave you alone, Samantha.
Samantha: Where are you going?
Bob: I'm going somewhere I can be loved and treated with kindness. Goodbye.
And with that, silence fills the air as Bob walks away, leaving Samantha behind under the tree. She watches him go, a mix of emotions swirling within her - anger, sadness, and regret. She realizes that she may have lost something special, and she's uncertain if she'll ever have the chance to make amends.
Samantha's heart sank as she began to regret her actions. For three long days, she tirelessly searched for Bob, her mind consumed with worry. In her desperate quest to find him, she inadvertently caused a series of misadventures, getting into trouble and being mischievous all on her own. Despite the chaos, she managed to scavenge food and find some clothes to sustain herself.
Exhausted and disheartened, Samantha found herself sitting alone on a desolate street, pondering Bob's whereabouts. It was then that her eyes caught sight of a billboard, its vibrant colors showcasing the words "Exchange and Auction" scheduled for April 17, 2023, just one day away. The event was set to take place a mere four kilometers from Samantha's current location.
Determined, Samantha rose to her feet and continued her relentless search for Bob. Unbeknownst to her, he had been hiding under another bridge all along, just within her reach.
Samantha: Bob! (voice trembling) I've finally found you. You have no idea how worried I was.
Bob remained silent, facing the opposite direction.
Samantha: (voice filled with regret) I brought you some food. I know you must be hungry.
Bob continued to stay quiet, and only the sounds of birds and the wind could be heard.
Samantha: Bob, please, at least answer me. Talk to me. (her voice quivers) I've been such an idiot, a fool. I'm sorry, truly sorry. I can't even begin to describe the lengths I went through to find you. I braved through hell, facing challenges you wouldn't believe. And I brought you food and clothes. I understand if you're upset with me, and I admit I've been a terrible friend. But please, Bob, I can't do this without you. I need you.
At that moment, Bob turned to face her and finally spoke.
Bob: Alright, Sam. I'll help you out. But don't mistake this as a sign that we're on good terms. Let's find our parents and go home.
Samantha: Yes, please. I'm exhausted, physically and emotionally. A bath sounds like heaven right now. I haven't had one since my birthday, which feels like ages ago and yet it was just last week Tuesday.
Bob: Well, count yourself lucky. I haven't had a proper bath since Easter Friday, and let me tell you, it's getting pretty uncomfortable down there. My backside and ass is sweaty, and I'm starting to question why muck is so stubborn.
Samantha: (forcing a smile) Okay, Bob, I appreciate your vivid description, but I don't think I needed to know that. Now, let's focus on the task at hand. Eat up and get dressed. I managed to find you a black leather outfit and a white turtleneck. I thought it might give you a mysterious, undercover agent vibe.
Bob: Just the way I like it. Thanks, Sam.
Bob gets dressed while Samantha waits, lost in her own thoughts.
Samantha: (looking at her black attire) It's as if we're preparing for a secret mission in a spy movie. Only, in our case, the mission is finding our parents and the stakes are all too real.
Bob: (noticing an emergency call box) Hey, look, an emergency call box.
Samantha: What's that?
Bob: It's a phone on the side of the road for emergencies, like the one we're facing. Let's use it to call your mom.
Samantha: Why my mom? Why not call yours?
Bob: Your mom is understanding and nice. Besides, she might have some information that can help us. What's her number?
Samantha: (sighs) I don't have my phone. It got burned when the house went up in flames.
Bob: You don't know your mother's number?
Samantha: Well, I usually just tap her name to call her. I never really paid attention to the actual number.
Bob: (feigning disgust) That's makes me sick!
Samantha: Alright then, let's call your mom instead.
Bob: (reluctantly) Fine, fine. What's her number?
Samantha: Unbelievable, Bob.
Bob: I don't know about you, but we definitely need to find a place to crash and try to reach our parents.
Samantha: You know what? I actually saw this huge "Exchange and Auction" billboard for an event happening tomorrow. Maybe we can crash there before the actual event takes place.
Bob: (Suddenly realizes) Wait a minute, hold up. Did you just say an Exchange and Auction billboard? Sam! That's exactly where our parents are heading!
Samantha: Are you serious? It's four kilometers away. And how on earth do you know that's where they're going?
Bob: Believe it or not, last week on Monday the 10th, before you arrived, I overheard my parents talking about some Exchange and Auction deal. They mentioned it as their destination.
Samantha: (Playfully hits Bob) You sneaky fool! You've known all along and didn't bother to tell me? We could have saved ourselves from all the trouble we went through.
Bob: I... I honestly can't believe it slipped my mind. Let's not waste any more time. We should head there right away.