John had decided to go all out on the beast and the beast looked like it wasn't holding back either. John got into a fighting stands. He then stopped deflecting and started switching places with the items the beast kept trying to fling at him. He kept switching places with the items until eventually he got close enough to the bird and tried to punch it but then the beast flapped it's wings very hard causing a powerful gust of wind to send John flying backwards. John makes a flip in the air and lands on his feet before immediately teleporting near the bird. The bird twisted itself in a way that allowed one of it's wings to hit John and send him flying again. The wing felt like metal and before John even touched the ground the bird swung one of it's wings sending a few feathers flying towards him. As soon as John touched the ground he flipped himself into his feet just in time to dodge the feathers that were coming towards him. He then starts running at full speed towards the bird and then he jumped towards the bird. The bird repeated the same movements but John grabbed the wing and used it to get closer to the bird's head before delivering a punch that shook the space around it's head and sent it tumbling to the ground. While they were both falling John was holding onto the bird's wing so when they were close to the ground it spun around and slammed him into the ground before it also hit the ground. The beast flew back up and started attacking worst than before. If you looked closer you could see a blue aura start to build up around it. It was doing a mixture of firing it's feathers while flinging random things at John with it's ability. John was doing well deflecting a lot of the things being flung at him and dodging the ones he could not dodge. John was starting to have a hard time. Then he timed and attack perfectly switching places with a feather as soon as it detached from the wing but due to its speed he was not that close to the beast. The bird seeing this swung it's wings slapping John back to the ground and then following behind with a type of speed it hadn't used at the start of the fight, it slammed it's talon into John on the ground before grabbing him and throwing him into the air and blasting it with a blue beam from it's mouth sending him flying into a tree. When the beast went to finish him he switched places with a rock that was a few feet away. He had a very serious demeanor and was releasing a very suffocating aura that made the bird fly high into sky. Something had changed. A silver ring had surrounded the pupils in his eyes. The bird started flinging random physical objects again and this time he didn't dodge or deflect he just kept walking. The objects started landing and he didn't even flinch. The bird then started firing it's feathers and that's when it noticed it. The objects and feathers weren't hitting John but were rather hitting an invisible force directly in front of him. John without saying a single thing lifts his left hand and swipes it downwards in the direction of the bird. The same invisible force is then sent traveling in a straight line hitting the bird. The attack was unexpected and invisible. The bird could not react. As soon as it touched the bird it was separated into two equal parts. It was killed in one strike. John returned to normal and looked around as if he was confused. He then remembered Monk was fighting a bear like beast and ran to help.
Back at the fight with the bear Monk was handling it pretty well. The beast had been severely injured but Monk didn't have a scratch on him. When the bear had stopped Monk from going to help John he had really been angered and had decided to try and end the fight as soon as possible. He had summoned a golden guard to fight the bear while he looked for John but the bear was persistent so he had actually been trying unsuccessful to kill the bear this whole time. He did a lot of things from slamming the bear with a giant arm to causing a giant golden explosion. The bear just wouldn't die. Then finally he had stabbed the bear in the stomach with a golden sword and thought it was over but the bear still had one trick to show. The spikes on the bear's back started glowing bright green and so were the bear's eyes. Then more spikes started appearing all over it's body and the hole in it's stomach was healed. The bear continued to gather energy and eventually it's entire back was covered in the spikes and they were glowing green. The bear then pointed it's tail at Monk and fired of a green beam. Monk used a giant golden hand to block the attack and when he removed the hand the bear had curled into a ball and was rolling towards him. Then the bear started picking up speed and power but just at the right time a golden guard appeared and kicked the rolling bear followed by a signature explosion that sent the ball back. When the bear hit a tree it bounced off and started bouncing off all solid substances. It was still picking up speed and Monk prepared a trap for it. The bear bounced off a tree and was going towards him at very high speeds and he managed to jump out of the way while creating a second golden guard and the two golden guards started kicking the bear around until they took it a safe distance away but then suddenly it changed direction and rolled towards Monk and when it was 10 meters away it uncurled itself while firing a beam from it's mouth containing all the energy it had built up. The golden guards created golden shields and teleported in front of Monk but the beam was too powerful. It killed destroyed them and managed to hit Monk and explode kicked up dust. While the bear was distracted a black muscular hand pierced it's chest from behind. When the dust cleared and Monk saw what had happened he froze. At that moment John came out of a nearby bush and saw it. A black muscular being with it's hand pierced straight through the heart of a bear. Back at base professor Winsel sees the being standing in front of Monk from the scanner and immediately dashes towards their position. Speedy was out hunting a few low level beasts and the girls had taken a different direction from the normal trail a few minutes ago and had just discovered a cave about 30 minutes away from the base.