Survivor's Guilt

Ayla was running. She didn't know why or from what, but she ran. She could see nothing! Everything else was dark, everything was quiet, only her echoing steps on the uneven path could be heard. There was a white light up ahead, an end to the void. She smiled to herself as she got closer, the light was getting brighter, she was so close she could touch it. Ayla reached out hand as she ran towards the light, closing her eyes as it enveloped her, it felt warm.

Too warm!

She opened her eyes. She was back in the burning lobby, back in the building, back in Salmone Towers. Her breath hitched and she started to cough and wheeze, her handkerchief was missing. The fire had grown, plunging the smoke-filled room into a deep red as everything around her burned. Her eyes stung and watered as she tried looking around for the exit. Frantically she spun around, finally spotting the beautiful sliding doors, which strangely looked completely untouched by the raging flames, as the bellflower designs shone like a beacon.

She bolted for the door every breath burning her lungs. Her throat itched as her panicked breathing brought in more smoke and ash with each breath. She ran for the door, only for it to vanish and turn into a solid wall right before she reaches them. "NO!" she screamed, it wasn't possible, she was right there, how could they just vanish. She slammed her hands into the newly materialized wall in frustration as she slumped to the ground crying.

She froze, swore she heard something, it had been barely above a whisper.

"Help me..." She had definitely heard that, it sounded close and was louder now. Ayla turned around, but there was nothing there.

"Help me." her head snapped back towards the wall; she stumbled backwards as the doorway to the emergency stairwell had now appeared in its place. She stumbled even further back as the building started to shake. Ayla watched in horror as the floor and doorway crumbled away, leaving a burning pit at her feet.

She peered over the precarious edge as her curiosity having won over her fear, she wished it hadn't. People, no what was left of them. Their flesh was charred, sloshing off in some places as it bubbled and melted due to the blazing embers. Some were lying down in the pit, with large slabs of burning debris on their crushed bodies and limbs, some of their heads were crushed other had necks bent at impossible angles.

She gagged. the crying started again, emanating from the pit, "Help me...Ayla." All of the heads suddenly turned towards her, no matter how badly injured or mangled, they were all now facing upwards. The once singular cry turned into a choir of blood-curdling screams, which kept getting louder and louder and brought her to her knees. She covered her ears in futility. She looked up to see one of the corpses right in front of her face, her blood ran cold, and she froze in place. The disfigured corpse opened its mouth.


Ayla jumped forward, in her hospital bed, she'd broken out in a cold sweat.

"Ayla, I'm so glad you're okay!" someone jumped forward, hugging her tightly. Ayla flinched, still disoriented and confused as to who was hugging her.

Slowly, the person loosened their hug, "I'm so glad you're okay..." The person held one her hands, patting them lightly as they tried to help calm her down. It took another minute, but Ayla finally recognized who the person was, her friend and neighbor, Arcadia.

Still a bit disoriented, Ayla asked where she was. "Asclepius Regional Hospital," came the quick reply do you remember how you got here? Want me to call the nurse?" Arcadia asked, worried about how pale and confused her usually bright and alert friend looked.

"No, I think I'm okay..." she replied remembering how she had stumbled out of the burning building blank-faced, her eyes tired and clouded, only to be swarmed by paramedics who ushered her to an ambulance and onto a stretcher, she could remember nothing after that.

Arcadia's mood shifted, seeing the distant and tired look in her friend's eyes. She decided to do something about it, "how about I go get you something to eat, want anything in particular?"

"You don't have to do that." Ayla said quickly, not wanting to inconvenience Arcadia.

"Nonsense, you must be starving! And besides," -glancing around to make sure no one would hear what she said next- "We both know the hospital will charge you an arm and a leg for food." she said leaning in close to Ayla.

Both girls burst into laughter, "Okay, how about pizza then?"

"Sounds good to me." still smiling Arcadia walked to the door "Be back in a sec." and with that she was gone.

A knock at the door drew Ayla's attention back, only to see a man holding a police badge in the doorway, "Sorry, this shouldn't take long."