Expensive Man-Child

"-Eight thousand four hundred and forty-eight injured, with many more missing in the attack on the Salmone Towers earlier today. The death toll is still undetermined. It is suspected that-" Deici took another sip of his red wine, listening as the reporter rattled off more details of his overly successful job. A smile tugged on his lips as she said how it was not clear whether it was a suicide bombing or remotely detonated, and it grew even wider when eyewitness reported that no suspicious characters had entered the building. The reporter verified what he already knew, he'd performed at his best, no record of him anywhere, no witness to his crime. His self-revere was ruined however, as Typhon threw the jacket he had discarded earlier his way.

"Do you have any idea how much this jacket costs?" he said snatching the jacket out the air before it fell to the ground, sending Typhon a cold glare.

"I called out to you twice," not concerned about the currently peeved Deici as he adjusted his own blue suit jacket, and ran his fingers through short black hair, in a fruitless attempt to get it out of his face.

"And you should know when you're being ignored," Deici quipped back, getting up from his seat in front of the lounge's television.

Typhon rolled his eyes, "Sorry your majesty-," he started sarcastically, giving a low bow for emphasis, "-but we have a meeting to attend."

"What do you mean 'we', I haven't paid my bonus been yet, so I'm not going." he folded his arms and looked out the window as he leaned against the back of the chair, sulking. Typhon looked at him annoyed, what an absolute pain in the ass "What's this stupid meeting about anyway?"

How can someone be an efficient killer, lunatic and an insufferable man-child all at once! Fighting back the urge to shoot him, Typhon sighed. "The meeting IS about your bonus!" Typhon said his voice rising still annoyed as Deici continued to sulk, "You have to provide the information they want."

"Why do they need me to be there for that, can't you do it?"

"No, they want a demonstration and only you can provide that."

"I'm not a trained dog!"

"Why are you so against this?" he asked exasperated and annoyed at his sudden reluctance to being able to freely gloat.

"I'm watching my work unfold like a delicate flower, a red rose, and it's beautiful." Deici looked enraptured, Typhon's stomached churned.

'More like a crown of thorns.' He thought. "We are going to the meeting." He said walking to the elevator, losing his patience.

"No, and who made you the boss of me?" Typhon stopped mid-stride; he couldn't take it more.

"The G.E.D.A.! You know, the agency we WORK FOR, that put me in charge of YOU, due to your UNPREDICTABLE MAN-CHILD BEHAVIOR!" the rage in his voice finally caught Deici who turned and with all the sass of a two-year-old, walked back to the front of the lounge chair and while Typhon was still staring dumbfounded, stuck up both middle fingers and turned back to the television.

"Well, I'm still not going and if you want me to go, you're going to have to make me."


Twenty minutes later a ding was heard as the elevator reached the first floor of the hotel, out stepped Typhon smoking a cigarette, his hair even more disheveled than before, but his blue suit still pristine as he walked to the front desk to sign out. The staff of this particular hotel had been trained to forget what they saw and heard, and the patrons were professionals, but everyone stared and the lady at the front desk froze for a moment before greeting him. Finished, he turned to leave. "Uh, sir...?"Typhon stopped and looked over his shoulder; his violet gaze bored and nonchalant "Do you need help with your luggage?" the receptionist asked composing herself. Typhon sighed.

"No, I'm fine." He said adjusting the weight. "Have my car brought around," he said digging his keys out of his pocket and tossing them to the girl. Gazes followed him as he walked towards the revolving doors with a very unconscious Deici over his shoulder.

Deici jolted awake as the car went over a speed bump, he was shackled, face-down in the back seat, neck still sore from being knocked out. "Ah, finally awake princess? How's the upholstery taste?" Looking in the rearview mirror he could see Deici trying to slip his restraints. "Don't bother they're specially made. Just. For. You. "

Deici stopped shifting, his silver eyes darkened understanding what that meant. He started to think off all the ways he would make his handler pay for humiliating him, making people pay was one of his specialties.

"I'll buy you a bottle of your choice when the meeting is over, and you can revel in the destruction you caused." Typhon said averting his gave, feigning indifference. That look made his blood run cold, he'd seen it before, this creature in the backseat was not to be trifled with, it had devoured the man-child and had Typhon in its sights. Typhon entered a code into his watch and the restraints released.

"A bottle of 1945 Romanee-Conti should more than make up for this…lapse in judgement." his glare thawing with every word, his ego placated.

Typhon thought of the three bottles he had in the wine cellar. There used to be five. Five of the rarest wine in the world, only one hundred bottles in existence. Deici had forced his hand twice before and this beast had surfaced to exact is pound of flesh, or bottle of wine. He may be a lunatic with a split personality, Typhon thought, but were the two sides colluding to fleece him? Those wines had cost him a quarter million each, he'd have to watch his step if he wanted to keep his remaining two bottles.

"Fine." He said pulling his Armada 3500 into the private garage of R-Clash Technologies.