No Changes

The sun was rising above the horizon when an exhausted and annoyed Typhon finally left the meeting room. He sighed having had to repeat already known information like a broken record; he'd explained how exactly Deici's augmentation worked, how he and basically every G.E.D.A. employee had some sort of augmentation, no he couldn't list them all, no, he was not an android, yes Deici was a capable assassin, yes, there was most likely scorch marks left where he had teleported, no there was not any DNA left at the scene due to magnetic field generated by said teleportation, yes he was untraceable, no this and yes that and on and on and on... he had a headache halfway into the 'interrogation' and felt nothing but bliss as it finally came to an end and his car keys were returned to him. He entered the elevator, a sigh of relief leaving him as he took out a cigarette waiting for the elevator to reach the ground floor. 'Looks like Deici really got me this time' closing his eyes and lighting the cigarette. He leaned back, waiting for the elevator to reach the ground floor.


It felt strange. She had survived a crumbling building and was laid up in a hospital when many people were dead or missing. She felt like her life had come to a hard stop, time ceased to move, and she stagnated as other people seemed to pass her by ebbing and flowing in the tide of life. People still went to work, to dinner, to the pub, they still laughed and loved. They even went into the buildings across from the finally extinguished complex, and the people responsible were still unknown, but life still went on. Ayla didn't really know what she expected, maybe less normalcy, maybe more of a panic; she stared at the television on the wall, a new anchor talking about the stock market. She turned to the window, the sun rising in the sky, maybe she expected the world to stop spinning and the sun to neve rise again, but there it was joining the already awake city, not stopping its expected six o'clock arrival...she was scheduled to leave this afternoon, after one more once over by the doctor. She would go home to her apartment and start job hunting. changes...except maybe a medical bill to worry about.

The day went by surprisingly quickly, a nurse popping in once in a while to see if she needed anything interspersed with a call from Arcadia every two hours, until around twelve, when Dr. Aeson and Zoe came by for my final prognosis and release.

"Well, nothing seems to have changed, are you still having night terrors?" Ayla nodded as Zoé finished the full body scan. "Hmm, well I'll prescribe some sleeping pills and I advise you to make an appointment with the phycologist." Aeson turned to his white clad assistant.

"The I.V. seems to have helped with the dehydration, no other health anomalies detected, she is cleared to go." she smiled softly to Ayla, "I would recommend not putting too much weight on your wrist, and to take the sleeve off of your ankle when the pain fades."

"Alright then, here is your prescription," he said handing Ayla a slip of paper as she stood up from her seat on the bed and placing it in the duffel bag Arcadia had brought for her. "Take it to your pharmacy, and you are free to go!" Dr. Aeson smiled as he and Zoe made their way to the door, waving goodbye before he left.

Zoe turned back "I hope for best for you and come back to hospital if anything seems wrong." Ayla smiled and thanked her. Zoe nodded before going into the hallway after the doctor.

Ayla's smile wavered as she left the hospital room and headed towards the elevator on that floor. Just like that everything was back to normal, no longer a patient in the hospital, and as the elevator doors opened, she couldn't help but flinch.