Soul emanation


Before I could notice anything happening around me, I heard blood spurting everywhere. I turned around only to see Konan's head rolling around the ground.

"Are you ok?"

Rowan asked me while stabbing Konan's heart out.

"I think I'm ok"

I replied as my complexion changed.

Rowan pulled his sword out of konan's body and it slowly started to dissappear into thin air.

"Whats wrong, your making a weird face"

Rowan asked me with a worried face. I didnt answer but I slowly looked at the house. It was completely demolished. I felt more scared about how my mom would react if she saw the house. That sent chills down back my spine, more scarier than how I felt dealing with Konan.

"The house. my room, all of it is destroyed"

I replied to Rowan's question while trembling.

"It's fine. They will take care of it"

Rowan replied making me more confused.

"Who's they"

I replied in a low crying tone

"Right. You don't know anything yet I think"

"I know about the soul emanation now"

I replied in the worried tone

"No you dont"

He replied back in an instant which threw me off a bit.

"Ok let me explain everything but first, do you have any questi-"

"Yes I have a lot of questions. who's THEY!"

I replied back without letting him complete his sentence.

"They are the nexus guards"

my brother replied

"The nexus guards? What a shit name"

I replied to my brother with a little disgust in my voice.

"It's not like I named them that or wanted to"


Me and Rowan went back and forth for a little while and then he asked me to follow him.

We reached the front door when I saw 2 people standing guard the door.

"I've taken care of it"

Rowan replied in a soft voice to which the two guards turned around.

"Who are you! what happened to the crier"

One of the guards screamed out in a High pitched voice.

"I've taken care of the crier"

Rowan replied while taking something out of his palm.

'What the hell. How did he do that'

"Here, take this"

He handed a badge like thing to one of the guards

"Sir Rowan! I'm sorry I didn't recognize. my grave Apologies"

The guard said kneeling down to the floor. The other guard looked in shock before he started to keel down.

"Guys I'm only 'substitute' Devine nexus. No need to keel down or anything"

"our apology sir"

The other guard replied weirdly quick.

But Rowan's reply made me more confused but I was going to get an explanation anyway so I wasn't too worried.

"I need you guys to inform Sir Magnus not to come and also fix this house. It should be done within an hour"

'Magnus? wait fix the house in an hour! How are they going to do that'

"Ok Sir!"

Both of the guards answered in unison as they rushed inside the house.

"So, Your probably wondering how I just took out my substitute badge out of my palm. That's how I pull my nexusblade out too"

Rowan's words cought me off guard as I was staring at the guards running into the house but slowly turned my head nodded.

"Well it's a common technique which is used by Guards above Nexus Guardian level"

Rowan replied looking at me as I followed him out of the house as we were heading to the park which was around the corner.

"Ok let me explain how the Soul emanation works. Soul Emanation is a unique power that draws its essence from the spiritual core of living beings. It revolves around the concept that every individual who possesses a soul, which is the ethereal essence that defines their identity, consciousness, and innermost energy. This soul energy can be harnessed and channeled, granting individuals extraordinary abilities and powers"

As I was hearing every single detail about what Rowan was telling me. My mind became more clear about the information the cube. Rowan spoke again which interrupted me form understand soul emanation. My facial expression were full of confusion

*Ok, let me help you understand it better by breaking it down. Soul emanation is obtained by three important components"

I silently listened to Rowan as he was speaking. He looked like he was happy.

"So your telling me I only know ⅓ about soul Emanation?"

I asked while I was staring at him.

"Nova, I myself probably don't know ⅓ of soul emanation"

Rowan replied to which I was shocked about How long ago did he know we can do this.

"The 3 components the put soul emanation are soul essence, soul manifestation and soul awakening"

"Ok, this gonna take long, so strap yourself.

Soul essence is the foundation of Soul Emanation which lies in the existence of a soul, an intangible energy residing within all living beings. The soul is the source of power and the conduit for manifesting abilities. It is influenced by an individual's emotions, experiences, and inner strength"

I nodded as Rowan explained soul essence to me but I kept quite and just kept hearing him out.

"Ok, now what ive explained what soul essence is now its time for soul manifestation. Soul manifestation is when a person has awakened their soul, they can begin to manifest their abilities. These abilities are unique to each individual and are a reflection of their personality, desires, and aspirations. Soul Manifestation enables individuals to channel their soul energy into physical or metaphysical forms, allowing them to perform extraordinary feats. But not all can Awaken when their alive. You are an exception like me but most people awaken when they die. People who can't use soul emanation cannot see us. But people who can use it can see. We Nexus guards solely exit to protect the universe from the evil"

The explanation burned me out but I understood it all but then i remembered that there was another component I had to hear out so I braced myself. I was ready for the big explanation.

We had reached the park and when Rowan was about to open his mouth, one of the guards informed him that the house was fixed. I was really confused how they fixed the house or how they did so fast but i didnt want know. I was already processing to much information. As i looked at the sky, it probably had been an hour or since the sun was setting and we could see the moon. We sat down on a bench as Rowan started to explain again.

"Anyway since that's out of the way, the last component is soul awakening. Not everyone can naturally tap into their full potential. Only those with a strong connection to their inner selves and a deep understanding of their emotions can awaken their soul's potential. Soul Awakening requires rigorous training, self-reflection, and spiritual growth. Well for an example, I used soul awakening against Konan to defeat him. Basically you get a buff or a second form until you've ran out soul emanation or you defeat the enemy which depends on you. Only people who attain or have attained soul awakening get labelled as an ascendant or higher. Well that's the main components. Did you understand about Soul Emanation, well I hope you did"

After hearing all of that information. All I could say was



Hey guys, the story pacing is kinda fast right now. I will definitely work on it. Anyway thank you for reading my work——————————————————————————